LOL. Seriously.

I'd select my current mood at stoic, but, that currently isn't an option. What a load of bollocks. I just did a quick once over for my entries, and realise, some things I said aren't relevant. SD dropped in popularity, hence Google dropped it from it's cilent list. Fairly understandable. What a sad place this has become today. I remember an SD that was vibrant, active. A SD that had an active user list the size of my... well, an active user list that was long. I used to write in this years ago. Tis a shame it's gone down the toliet. *sadface*
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Feeling: tickled
Side note: Teresa*, this entry is not about you. Its about a random Australian. Would just like to say that, cause you're the only person I know with a friends only diary. Cheerio. =) *There we go, I corrected it. xD -------------------------------------------- I just noticed something about friends only diaries. The only chance you have of becoming their friend on here is if you chat to them a bit, get to know them, and then get honoured with the title of 'friend'. (Hahaha) Well, you cant do that. Its catch 22. You have to talk to them to be their friend, but the only means of talking to them requires you to be their friend in the first place. Argh! Plus, you cant read the entries, but you can read the comments people make on the entries. And on friends only diaries, the comments are long. And informative. Which means you can assume what the entries say. Bear in mind, this is aimed at no one in particular. No one. I swear. =P *innocently whistles and walks away*
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The world repeats itself somehow

Listening to: Jeremy - Pearl Jam
Feeling: pensive
Lookie here. Dont you think thats neat? And as far as Im aware Im the first to notice you could do that. Heh. I await my drink, lackie. --------------------------- On completely different notes, I found out that google ads are targetted to us. Eg, if I say, write an entry on slitting my wrists, they will give me an ad for razor blades. Oops, bad example. Ok, say I talk about DVDs. I will then get an ad targetted at me for half price DVDs, and another ad for the newest DVDs out. So, why did I have two ads that were incredibly strange? One was offering cut price plane tickets to Norway. The other was offering me used Japanese currency. O.O Sometimes I worry about Google. And their retarded green ads. I thought they were only supposed to be up for a week each month? Meh.
Read 8 comments
Feeling: bleh
First of all, check out my quotes page: Now I would just like to say a quick word. WHO THE FUCK CHANGED THE GOOGLE ADS TO FUCKEN -GREEN-?!?!?!? Sure, the black white and grey ads were annoying, but nowhere near as annoying as these green, horrendous, vomit-inspiring ads. Black goes with EVERYTHING. Green goes with NOT MUCH. It makes my background look like trash. Great. Now I am not only achey, I am also homicidal. Fucken SD. I was just get getting used to the black ads, and now I get shoved a new pile of shit under my nose. Green coloured shit at that. *stabs something*
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Listening to: Original Sin - INXS
Feeling: bleh
Argh. I dont think theres going to be any dinner tonight, I think I accidentally did my belt up 4 notches instead of 3, my mother is playing rather homosexual Mobi music, of which the bass is cutting through my music on the computer, and my girlfriend feels sick because I said I didnt like her reading my journal but I didnt mind my best friend doing so. My girlfriend hates the fact my best friend is a girl, yet takes pride in the fact she has a male best friend. My mother wont let me watch C4, instead she is making me watch William & Mary. I havent talked to Emma in, if she does not come online tonight, 2 days. I havent done an entry in about 2 weeks; any kind of friends I may have harboured on here probably hate me by now. My Uncle keeps texting me, telling me Im a retard for ignoring his text messages, but he doesnt seem to see the blantant explanation "I HAVE NO FUCKEN MONEY ON MY PHONE". My brother wont pay me back my $15. My girlfriend cant pay me back my $7. My girlfriends Dad cant pay me back my $9. And because of the previous three sentences, I cant pay back Rohan, Tom and Ben... total debt: $18.60. I seriously think my girlfriend is crazy. I think my mother is crazy. I wish my brother didnt laugh like a fucken Hyena. Now I feel really fucken hungry, now I really wish someone would make dinner. I cant cook a full dinner, I'd end up burning down the house. I need to learn how to cook a full dinner. I need to learn study habits. I wish I didnt have some crappy fanscination with riding the Orbiter while listening to funky rock music. I wish it was a 36 hour day, that way I could get enough room in to see my girlfriend, see my friends, do a bit of my own thing, and then sleep for 10 hours. I wish this entry didnt sound so.... bitchy. Man. I need to get a grip. =P And I shall throw my dignity, or at least whats left of it, to the wind and beg you for hits: Click there. Then, just because you guys are soooo awesome, you'll give me some quotes to stick on there. I shall catch you all later. 'All' makes me feel good; like people actually read this piece of shit journal. xD Adios.
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DUDE WITH THE "GREEK GODS" THINGIE IN HIS DIARY. You spelt Zeus wrong, knobhead. And add some extra detail. Woah, a picture and their Roman name! Some hardcore information you're giving there. AND WHERE THE FUCK IS APHRODITE? AND HERA? AND DEMETER? Sexist fuck. Nice to know you like male gods. Judging by the hardcore detail Ares got. Fucking nimrod. Hrm, yeah. S'all from me.
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And he cracks his password, finally!! I -did- wonder what it was. As usual, it was the very last one on my list of things it could be, but who cares, I got there in the end. Actually, like it matters. Not like I write in this thing anyways. w00t. Pointless victory!! Rock on. m/
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Rather large annoyances.

Listening to: Shiver - Coldplay
Feeling: bemused
I do realise this may offend a few dozen people, but what the hey. Its not like I need friends. =P Here we go. Here is my official rebut to your entry, fenix. No hard feelings, and no offense intended. =) ------------------------------------------ "Now after all this the country is pretty quiet until about the early 90's when Bush Sr. decides that we should go over to iraq and stop Madman Insane from destoying the Kurds, oh the Kurds you remember a faction in his country that opposed him. So we get the opportunity to kill this motherfucker and Bush Sr. knows it, but guess what. THE FUCKIN UN TELLS HIM NOT TO AND HE GETS CAUGHT UP IN A POLITICAL FUCK ME IN THE ASS GAME AND CAN'T FINISH WHAT HE WENT THEIR TO DO." Hahaha, very funny. Yes, Bush Sr really gave two shits about the Kurds. The CIA knew the Kurds were being gassed back in '88, but didnt do anything because there was no immediate military or economic threat to itself. You even got your facts wrong. He attacked Iraq cause he invaded Kuwait, not because of the Kurds. America sure did give two shits when they did that, cause hell, give Kuwait to Iraq and then Saddam Hussein controls a vast amount of the oil being sent into the US!!! "To continue Clinton comes in and he can't seem to stop terrorist attacks and capture Osama bin laden when he knew where he was the whole time, and knew about terrorist attacks before they happened. Wow, so that means Bush Jr. basically gets handed a presidency that was covered in scandal and coverups over terrorist tactics. Presidency and Scandal NO FUCKIN WAY!" First point: just because presidency and scandal go hand in hand doesnt mean its right. Second point: You want to know why your country did nothing to stop Osama Bin Laden? Because he was not taken seriously, thats why. The US did not see him as an immediate threat, so they said 'fuck him' and decided to bomb Kosovo instead. Fuckasses. "So now 9/11 happens and we pull together for a few short months after it does happen and where is the rest of the world! OH THATS RIGHT, its our fault we got bombed, and it's our fault we got this put on ourself." Wow, know you know how Japan felt when you A Bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima and killed a few hundred thousand cilivians. Now you know how you feel when you bombed a Sudanese Panadol factory because you 'thought it might be making weapons'. Now you know how it feels when another country kills your civilians!! The simple fact is the world is in a constant state of war, mostly diplomatic. But occasionally it shifts from diplomatic to military. And in that kind war, the bombing of civilians is enivitable. You just werent thinking it was going to be you, because you are America, and you are oh so very big and powerful. Im not saying its right. Im saying America was an over complacent, over confident country for too long. You lost your edge, and you paid for it. "We did this remember, we are the country that has a capitalistic point of view and freedom, but the french tell us to basically fuck off." Come on, theyre French. The French tell everyone to fuck off. "That must be nice, we save their ass on more than one occasion. HEY FRANCE YOU REMEMBER SEPTEMBER 9, 1939. Oh wait that wasn't america that came in on the BEACHES OF NORMANDY to stop a TYRANT from taking over the world. So, Even then we were the back bone of this world, fighting to free oppressed people." I could swear the landing of 155,000 Allied (not just American) troops on the beaches of Normandy was June 6th, 1944. Im pretty sure America submitted no troops into the war until 1941. And Im pretty sure that war between The Commonwealth, Britian and France vs Germany and Italy started on September 3th, 1939, which is 6 days before you alledgely helped France. Hell, France wasnt even taken until 22nd June 1940. So even if you did help them on the 9th September 1939, it didnt do a shitload. Ok, that was way too much unnecessary flaming for getting a date wrong. Sorry. You helped the French because you did not want Germany to control Europe. America sat back and thought 'Oh Jesus, we better amend the Lend/Lease act to give weapons to Russia, Britian, France and other allied powers, or else Hitler will stick us on our hitlist!! The USAs involvement in the war was purely self interest. Nothing more, nothing less. "I'm sorry if i went off, i just never would have thought that the veterans of world war II would have thought they fought for nothing. All those men that died in that war so long ago shouldn't have died in vain. I would fight for this country if i knew their was a purpose, WWII was a purpose, not a political agenda, We fought hitler and his nazi's and we killed them for their crimes on humanity and the atrocities that they commited, I wonder if Dr. Mengele was alive today and living in Iraq and Insanes advisor, would we had a problem going in an eliminating him." Suggesting that the men of WWII died in vain is an insult to any and all of the survivors of war left. WWII was a political agenda. Youre making it out to seem like the USA joined the war because they saw Hitler commiting horrible things to innocent people, not because Japan bombed Pearl Harbour. The soldiers of WWII fought for purpose. And that purpose was just. But they were there because a pompous asshole in a comfy chair in Washington thought that his country's economic security and military prowess were under threat, not because he was concerned about concentration camps and the freedom of European people. And yes, if Mengele was alive today and advising Saddam Hussein, you would go into Iraq and kill him... only if he was doing something to threaten your country's security. ------------------------------------------ There is one thing you cannot ignore. If you think that war is anything more than a diplomatic game of chess using pawns with firearms, youre naive. The real reason for war is for material gain, not for freedom. And it never will be.
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Feeling: bleh
They say ignorance is bliss. Good GOD, I love ignorance. Unfortunately, tonight my ignorance has taken a holiday on one particular matter. My friend lent me a CD full of game roms, right... And right there, when Im sifting through them, I see it. "Mario Nude" Why the FUCK would someone want a fat, moustached plumber in the nude? Please note I have never played this monstrosity. Thankfully. The best I can do is assume is that it replaces normal, clothed Mario with a shitty drawn nude version. Why the hell would someone do that anyways? An outlet for sexual fantasy? Probably.
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Feeling: melancholy
Heh, I was cruising this lovely site this fine evening, and I just noticed one -small- anomaly at the top of the main page. "Welcome to sitdiary, a free interactive community for the hip and fresh." WAIT A FUCKEN SECOND. Hip and fresh. If I could think of any words to describe myself, neither hip or fresh would come -close-. They are way down the list, with 'level minded', 'calm' and 'un-argumentative'. Good God. Hip and fresh? Id find a new journal site, but unfortunately 'procrastinator' and 'lazy' feature high on the list. Argh, fuck you dicks. Im outta here. (Dont take that personally. =P)
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Feeling: eh
How to make a Brendon W------- Ingredients: 5 parts competetiveness 3 parts humour 5 parts beauty Method:Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add lovability to taste! Do not overindulge! Personality cocktailFrom That is possibly the most silly online quizish thing I have done to date. Lookie, Im beautiful. Joy. O.O On a side note, SD, you are fucken sellouts. I HATE THAT STUPID GOOGLE AD. And the fact my current music is now a link to amazon. If you needed money to keep the site up, next time try a fucken sausage sizzle. Damn hacks.
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