I decided to start this back up again. =)
Pretty crazy I know!
I got a job..finally
[yeah I know it's about effin time!]
It was more like I had too.
Because I am getting my license like anytime now. And I really have to pay for my car insurance annnd I mean who doesn't like money!?!?!??!
So In the end I got a job with some friends so thats cool.
Im still in cheerleading.
annnd Im currently not very happy with it.
[especially since i lost my bus buddy :( ]
But I really want to do it in college
So Im sticking with it throughout highschool.
Yesterday was thanksgiving!
[I absolutely LOVE food so me and this holiday go well together]
annnd I hope you all had a really good day with your families!
feeel the loveee ♥
Emily had a party last weekend? orr sometime around there. Everything runs together anymore! was a lot of fun!
Even though we only got to stay for a little while because I was late from work and then I had to get Dan
[who lives out in the middle of nowhere in casa de jew ;)]
And then kristin had to leave early!
We did get to play a sweet game of capture the flag.
And me and kristin pretty much hid behind a car the whole time..
[It was 10 below out there give us a break..WE NEEDED SHELTER]
Me and kayla have become huge dane cook fans! annnd I definitely love her! and I love him..BUT NOT as much as I love her! =)
Billie got her hair cut! and it is ADORABLE.
It makes me want my hair short again! =)
..I guess thats it cause I am freeeeezing cold!
[Where is my dezy when I need her?!?!?]
Danny I love you soo much baby ♥
lots and what not.
just thought id share that with you.
havea good day.