
I feel like I'm standing on the sun, watching the lovers get fucked over faster than my mind and body are disingrating. Watching the tears evaporate off my face and rain back down into his cup, as he tilts his head back and drinks me up. But I'm only here on this airplane, sitting in row fourteen, seat F, watching the insignifigant people get smaller in their insignifigant lives. I press my palm up against the glass as if to say goodbye to the only signifigant thing I had. Peace & Unity Chel.
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Have a great time in Cali. I'll miss you love.
well, chel, i already miss you im not gunna lie. So i creepily checked up on you in your diary. i love reading your poems, i dunno why but no matter what they say they are always so gooood. I hope your having fun with your mum, and i hope maybe seeing my lil note perks you up a bit. Love you sea shell