Where have I been?
Not here.
It doesn't matter. I am completely and utterly excited for this weekend. Why is that?
Two words, darlings: emos and piercings.
Tragus tomorrow afternoon & emo hunting tomorrow evening.
Yes. I'm completely new to everything on this wonderful site. I don't have many friends, so take a liking to me and share your life's stories with me. Maybe I'll share a few of my own.
I'm Maureen. I read Harry Potter. I like board games and going to school. I go to boarding school, by the way. I'm more cheery when I think of it as Hogwarts. Reading is a big pastime in my mind. I talk to myself every moment I'm alone. I think most emotional boys can be very attractive. Call me another emotional young girl. Crying is healthy. I do it everyday; it very well helps relieve a lot of stress.
I'm from the UK. And just because you think the actours in Harry Potter are gorgeous doesn't mean they're all flattering here. You have to be in certain areas to spot the real charming ones.
I've spilled enough juicy details for a night. Now it's your turn.