ow, today i went kayaking w. my brother, his lil friend Dylan, Dylanz parentz n my dad. Well, they were quite slow, so i got 2 the end of Prompton Dam (that is were we went all u smart ppl) n e way, i got to the end 1st, and i was like, hmm, i am bord, b/c these slow ppl r slow. and i took out my cell phone n played games (unfortunantly ppl, there is no service in the middle of the lake, is that krazy or what??) and then after those slow ppl caught up w. me, i paddled back, and to get out of the kayak i had 2 step in this smelly crap under the water, and i basically freaked out about that, and then i had 2 carry my kayak up the hill, and now i have these gigantic blisters on my hands and i cant hold n e thing, making it mighty hard to type. But seein my very short brother kayak with a paddle that is bigger than him was v. funny and made it all worth it. So, yah, i had fun.
plus got something chocolaty and sum soda on the way home, so that was good.
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