
Feeling: horny
Hm...So one more class to go and then I get home to my man. I just had a massage and it felt sooooo GOOD. It was definitely just what I needed. SOO.. how has everyone on this lovely site been? Good I hope I have been pretty good. Got a job a great job actually and I'm doing well in school soooo noo big thing. Done talking now. Peace. . Xo Felicia Xo.
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Feeling: hot
So today is the day of FINALS!! Big HOOORAY for me. Basic Insurance kicked my medulla :: my bootay ::! But I think that I passed. Next up is my Proffesional Prospectives class which should be a nice walk through the park. But in other news. David just got back from his fishing trip. He caught nine fish and Opi-T caught like 5 I think. Maybe one day I will be able to go on one of these trips just to hang out and get away from the house. Oh yeah and Markie. But since I haven't written in awhile ya'll have no idea who Markie is. . . Markie is Davids friend since forever ago and he decided that since David and I got our own house and have an extra bedroom that he can move in. Not a big deal except for the fact that he is annoying as all get out. He trys to take control of everything, and he doesn't wash his dishes with soap...DISGUSTING! I swear it's like having a little kid in the house. But hell I'm ranting. WOW being on here again really makes me miss my old life. I used to have alot of friends on this diary site. Jessica, Megan, Becca, Andre, and my dear soul mate Persutters. Oh how I miss my friends. But I guess everyone has to grow up and out of high school sometime. RIGHT? I just can't convince myself of that just yet. Lately I catch myself thinking of my Senior year in high school. Honestly the best time of my life. I lived carefree then and now all I do is walk on egg shells, and talk to my dogs for friends. My life has become in the least pathetic. No more friends too busty....busty yes...but I meant to put too busy. I need to get me a life. Life.. Life.. where are you? Someday.
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What to do What to do

Listening to: Silence
Feeling: hip
I don't know what to do. In my english class we have a journal that we write in class. My understanding is that we could write in this if we wanted in our spare time not that we had to write in it. The journals are due tommorow with no less than 11 entries. . . and only have the three from class. What do I do? I don't have time to write in that stupid journal I"m trying to pay bills here. Tommorow is my birthday we will see how that goes. Peace homies.
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Ho Hum

Listening to: Nine Inch Nails
Feeling: uncertain
Well Well Well...so 2006 so far isn't the year I thought it was going to be. First of all I got fired....yes fired...stupied imbicils...then I got dumped. That is the last Im going to say about those issues. David might come up later...(fyi)! Well school is going good..past two of my tests failed A&P horribably...but I will get by. Hmm..I really don't feel like typing right now...I have no emotions about me..there for nothing to write about. I do wish my grandpa was here to help me through this rough time. . I love you G/pa. xo Felicia xo
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Indiana Business College

Feeling: torn
So....I am now back in college. I am going to get my Associates Degree in Medical Assisting. This college is AMAZING. . by far the best one I've been to so far. So if your on your way to college and want a small school that you can have a degree in a short amount of time. .this is your school. P.s. I only pay $34 a quarter at this school. PRETTY NICE> . if I say so myself. Butt...it's almost time for class see. . ya. xo xo Felicia
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More about me

Listening to: Rehab
Feeling: narcissistic
[You] Felicia Danielle Palmer [Jewelry Worn Daily]:My sapphire flower ring, and some sort of necklace, watch. [Pillow]: Davids pillow with my pillow case. [Shoes]: My limited edition K. Swiss...or flip flops. [Favorite top]: My red corset lace top. [Favorite bottoms]: Delia blue jeans. . or sweat pants. [Cologne/Perfume]: amore eterne, pink hearts, lilu, and curve for men. [CD in stereo right now]: Tasha's mix. . . [Piercings:] two holes in my ears. . and pretty soon my tummy tum tum. [Hair]: dirty dishwater blonde. . . sounds nasty but actually kinda pretty. [Wishing]: That one day he will give me a ring for more than just a gift. . [After this]: going home to my inspiration. [Talking to]: Whoever is reading this. . " Hello " [Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming months]: My birthday and lots' of great times. [Some of your favorite movies]: RENT, Memoirs of a Geisha, Saw, anything really where you can either mix killing and hot sex, or artsy and meaningful. [Do you believe in love]: OH YESH! I'm a sucker for the whole "love" thing. [Do you believe in love at first sight]: I believe in love at first touch. ....but I can walk by again. [Do you believe in forgiveness]: Yes [If you could have any animal for a pet]: I would have my green tree frog " legs " back. [What are 3 cities you would like to be relocated to?]:new york city, Miami, Amsterdam [What are some of your favorite pig out foods?]: Chineese, buffalo wings with franks hot sauce. [What's something you wish you could understand better?]: Why everything is all about chaos and pain. [In the last 24 hours, have you] 01. Cried: not really 02. Bought something: a candle, lotion, and some particulars at Victoria Secrets 03. Gotten sick: Yes...unfortunately 04. Sang: Yes 05. Eaten: Yes 06. Been kissed: Oh God Yes 07. Felt stupid: Never . . .I'm not embarrased easily. 08. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: I've done it once today. 09. Met someone new: ummm....nope. 10. Moved on: no 11. Fought with your parents: NO 12. Had a serious talk: Yes. . kinda. . 13. Missed someone: OH YES 14. Hugged someone: YES 15. Laughed: YES [Personal] 01. Who is your role model: Angelina Jolie, and Alyssa Milano. . two of the worlds most strong beautiful females. . the objects of my desire. 02. What are some of your pet peeves:Slow drivers and when people start to say something and then stop and dont' tell you....grrrr 03. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: Yes. . . but the situation was all screwed up. . otherwise I think I could have had them. 04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: YES 05. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: I used to think sooo...but David is completely different than the usual for me. 06. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): NO 07. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: Yes some bitch at the strip club kissed David...I will be smackin a bitch if we meet. 08. Rather be dumper or dumped: dumped 09. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": "hookups" are fun, but relationships are pure pleasure. 10. Are you happy with you: now I am. 11. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: Females are gorgeous so yes I am attracted. 12. Do you want to get married: someday 13. Do you want kids: adopt one day. 14. Do you believe in psychics: Yeah 15. Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: I hope so. 16. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my eyes 17. What is your favorite part of your emotional being: my being open to things 18. Are you happy with your life: YES 19. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: I would be 21, and more outgoing.
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This is new to me

Feeling: adventurous
Ahh....so it begins. I had one of these before but it was dedicated to ranting and raving about " true loves " and assholes who start rumors. Not this one . . .this one is truely going to be dedicated to my thoughts. My feelings. I will say that I am in love. I don't just love this person.. . I am in love with this person. He is my muse if you will. Never had I been more involved in life and living til I met this person. He is wonderful. David Allen Collins is his name. Now that you know that . . I might dote on him from time to time. . but never like I had on guys in the past. I don't want to disappoint myself if information changes. Soo. . It is the NEW YEAR. . 2006! 2005 what a year huh... My brother will be 10 years old this year. . .! Hopefully this year will not be as consumed by violence and disappointment as 2005 promised us daily. Now there is always going to be war and destruction but come on this shit is ridiculous. I must say I don't get into the gov't so much. . if I see something on the news about whats going on I will converse on that and just that. I don't go out of my way to learn about something that I feel isn't fully educated on itself yet. I say this because if the gov't had full knowledge on itself then the world would be alot better than it is today. That is my opinion. Sorry if offended anyone. I must go for now. . . family has just walked in the door. I will not be on here as much as I would like but there will be updates from time to time. Thank you for listening.. HAPPY NEW YEAR. .hopefully that is a true statement this time around. xo xo Felicia
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