010. anonymous

Feeling: adventurous
The meeting of two. [[strangers of the unknown]] DAY-&-NIGHT the congregations meet. with a Red shirt. and a Black shirt. with intelligence. and passion. - what is to come? ...Who will I find?? Daph.
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008. light on

Feeling: mellow
hi there. here is a story: One day, a young redheaded girl and freckle-faced boy decided to put their water bottles into the recycling like good, eco-friendly children. However, they did not know something very important. That evening, they heard their mother and father say, "Oh! Don't leave the cap on - it will go in the garbage anyway." "No way, that's plastic too," the mother said. "Yup, it disrupts the process and they get thrown out." The young boy and girl looked at each other and then down in shame. They learned their lesson. end of story. Daph. p.s. yes i know.
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001. introduction

Feeling: scattered
Life is a mess - always was and always will be. But anyway... I am an outgoing but slighlty shy person who loves to dance and sing and suchness. I listen to music as much as I can and have a wide variety of genres that I like [rock, alternative, oldies, pop, country, etc.] and try to get as much of it as possible. Daph.
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