Two Sides of One - Preview

I thought it would never end - but I was wrong There was fear in my heart, but I knew I had to keep going. I stood up, and I ran. I ran as fast as I could - even faster. I knew he was following me. He was coming. I did not know him. He did not know me, but he knew what he had to do. He traced me by my fears, and he knew where I was going. I was too frightened to look where I was running. I fell right into my attacker's trap. There, right where I stopped, was the end. The end of the building's roof. The end of my running space. The end of me. I had two choices: jump off of the building, or be taken by him. I made my choice. I jumped and caught the roof. I was holding on to the edge of the roof. I was very weak from all the fighting and running I have done. I felt my hand slipping, sliding off the roof. I shut my eyes. I knew what was coming to me. It was all over...
Read 3 comments
I don't know exactly if you're writing a story or something, but that's very well written...I like it...I could visualize everything that was happening in my head...I loved it :)

Much ♥
this is interesting...

wow... thanks!
