hey =) cool diary
haha I love AAR.
no Conor is in Bright Eyes. You should check them out.
I guess it does. I mean I tried to think of something that it would stand for besides that though like...
al. anon. reject.
or something like that. I have yet to think of something clever.
hey me too...we went in the same car!!!
thanks. :)

yeah I think I am going to keep it.

at least for a while.
yes it is. :)

I'm adding you too
Do you realize being ignorant isn't cute? That picture of a dude in a frying pan is a painting by Degas. I don't mean to sound snobby, but seriously if you don't enjoy art that is fine, but don't be an idiot.
Cool, they're awesome! ^^
I went Christmas shopping today too! :D Hehe, yeah... ^_^
billy rox