Listening to: Joe Satriani- Surfing With The Alien
Feeling: awake
Ya..Im sitting here doing nothing right now, i went down to a hockey rink and waited for an hour thinking someone would show up, but no one did so i didnt get to play. I got a Wendy's frosty outta it though and that was pretty good. Theres nothing to do at all right now but type this shizzle stuff yo'. Theres nothing on TV at all right now, and theres nothing to do outside cuz my lame neighbor is home and he'll call the cops if your the least bit loud. He threatened to call the cops once when i was shootning a spring loaded airsoft gun, which if you dont know is really quiet, i was about to shoot him in the eye. He's moving soon so i cant wait. I'm wondering right now if Devin asked Sara out and what she said, someone reply and tell me, or no big deal i'll find out tomorrow, whatever. I hope she did say yes. But whatever. I hung out with Josh yesterday which was cool, there wasnt much to do, we couldnt really go anywhere cuz my dad was home but hey whatever.(im not gay)We played guitar and played a few video games and went down to Ralphs for a soda. But ya, otherwise the whole week has mostly been really boring. Ive been tired a lot lately, i dont know why, ive been sleeping like 9-12 hours on weekends. Is there any phyciotrists or optomistrist or whatever those people are called that help people with sleep and whatnot. Tell me what is wrong with me. O ya and Kiana needs to go to Buena with me!
i really wish you didnt have to go to buena. im really gonna miss you. you're so effin awesome. i love you. later kid.