Dead Letter #1

>> Everyone has their dirty little secrets. Isn't it nice to have privacy? <<

I want so badly to defend myself. I want to tell you that you don't know who I am, and that you're wrong. Does it really matter? Absolutely not. You don't care. Even if you did, you're too delusional to believe the truth.

Much like any normal person who's ever met you, I sometimes dream of killing you. Perhaps that's a little much? You're a victim of circumstance. It's everyone else's fault, for sure. Especially your bitch of a mother and your evil ex-husband. At least, I know that's what you believe.

What I believe is that in this world, we are responsible for ourselves, whether we wish to own that responsibility or not. We are responsible for our thoughts and feelings, and their physical manifestations. We are not victims of fate, or the gods, or anything else. We have free will. We are not animals, unable to control our drives and instincts. We have choices.

I, however, am not responsible for you or your mistakes. I have no sympathy for manipulation, deception, and malice. I am responsible for myself, though. So I must remain calm, perhaps silent, if I want to be the better person, and more importantly, if I want to remain sane.

Your punishment will not come from me, nor will it come from an all- knowing deity. Who you are is and how you live your life will be more punishment to you than I or some magical diety could ever come up with. In any case, I pity you, even if only a little. Though I cannot possibly respect you as an individual, I still respect you as a fellow living human being.

I'm sure this is not the end of my dead letters to you.

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