To get these to work you have to take out the spaces between the < >'s and you put these codes in your header in prefrences. :-)
To get these ♥ put this in your entrie or w/e you want put this take out the spaces: & hearts ;
Text Trail
< script src=""language=javascript id="properties"message="TYPE MESSAGE HERE"colour="TYPE COLOR HERE"font="Arial">< /script >
Just follow the instructions in the code
Status Bar Message
< script language="javascript"> window.status=('YOUR MESSAGE HERE')< /script>
Pop up
< SCRIPT language="JavaScript">alert("type what you want here")< /SCRIPT>
Scroll bars
< style type="text/css">
hr {color: black; width:30%}
scrollbar-base-color: #FF00CC;
scrollbar-track-color: #FF00CC;
scrollbar-face-color: #FFFFFF;
scrollbar-highlight-color: #FF00CC;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #FFFFFF;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #FF00CC;
scrollbar-shadow-color: #FF00CC;
scrollbar-arrow-color: #FF00CC;}
< /style>
Change the colors to fit your needs
Aligns your entries to the right
< td align""right>
Aligns your entries to the left
< tr>< td>
D-a-s-h-e-s around your entries
< style>#entry_table {border:8px dashed;border-color:#33FF66}< /style>
Solid border around your entries
< style>#entry_table {border:8px solid;border-color:#33FF66}< /style>
D.o.t.s around your entries
< style>#entry_table {border:8px dotted;border-color:#33FF66}< /style>
Bold text
< b>TEXT< /b>
Italics text
< i>TEXT< /i>
Underlined text
< u>TEXT< /u>
Change Font color
< font color=#000000>TEXT< /font>
*You can change the color by putting in a different color code..
Change text size
< font size="3">TEXT< /font>
*You can change the actual size by changing the number..
Change Text font
< font face="courier new">TEXT< /font>
*You can change the font by putting in whichever font you want..
Make your text move!
< marquee>TEXT< /marquee>
im new at this lol