my space bullshit

so i got this bullshit message on myspace: When Jesus was on the cross..... You were on his mind! Repost this with the title "" or you are denying him In the bible it says "if you deny me before man, I will deny you before my father" and this is my reply: will someone kindly consider this bullshit? i mean, if god really was all forgiving that he wouldnt give a flying fuck weather or not you repost a chain mail bulletin. if you really believed in the chatholic religion you wouldnt rely on a viral message to get you into heaven, i mean, christ people are stupid as shit. thought it just goes to show how shallow and ingnorent our culture its that we have bullshit like this to lead us into the gates of heaven insead of actually working for it by helping your fellow man or doing good in the world. there are people dying in louisiana right now of starvation and neglect by our government, if you really want to go to heaven why dont you try going down there and save some lives, or help an old lady find the dead body of her son and grand children, or help some baby's get some food so they can survive. so when people tell me that i need to post some letter to get into heaven i say, where were you when people were dying in the convention center? making some more letters to scare people into a false faith? a god who either doensnt like them or just doesnt care? im sorry, but if god was even existent he owes me a whole lot more than i got out of life, and he owes people all over the world more than they got. bullshit like this sickens me, i cant stand it when people insist on taking a beliefe and using it to make a prank. if you want to even consider yourself a christian i suggest you go out and save some lives, and maybe try treating your fellow man as your brother. maybe than i will discover what this whole 'faith' thing is all about. because most of the people who claim to have faith in christ i have noticed, dont seem to have helped anyone survive. and most of them dont even consider the whole 'turn the other cheek' thing because god forbid we let the 9/11 thing go. and while we're at it, why dont we just go and punish the entire region? their all the same right? their just muslims, right? wrong. no one deserves what damage we have inflicted upon the middle east because of some radical groups actions. so when people say they are true christians, i think they are in the sadest state of denial i've ever seen. truly, if they were christains they would try and be constructive, not destructive, they would help save lives, not back a government which is so wraped up in wether or not gays should get married that they let their own citizens die in lakes of shit. to quote Ghandi, "christianity is a great idea, too bad no one's ever tried it."
Read 7 comments
I am feeling much better about myself, thanks. Someone cares. I am trying to convince myself i'm not fat or ugly. no matter what some people say to me.
YAY self esteem! i'm working on it!
Lots of people in my neighbor hood, god, u should see these people, they r skinnier than kelly. They make me feel bad. Yeah i'm glad I can talk to you. That's one of the reasons that u r so awesome. I don't know alot of stuff has been on my mind lately.
hehe. Thanx jason. I really needed to hear that, seriously. Sometimes it doesn't seem we are all "one big family" but I shouldn't forget that we are. I don't know ever since I was little people would put me down all the time. I guess that's why I have such low self-eestem. I shouldn't really blame it on that though. Anyway thanks.
I think your arguemnet is wrong
you shouldn't be blaming christianity you should be blaming bush, not everything is directed 'twards christianity, like the whole 9/11, what the fuck does christian have to do with it?
Not every white person is a christian, and most white people say they're christians but don't go to church, but me I go to church, not as much as I should, but back in michigan i would go every sunday, I think you're against Bush
haha jason, too true. good job, sweetheart