
Part 1 today is my Doc. appt so i can find out if i am dilated anymore and if i should be having a baby by this weekend Yay ill update you and tell you wut happens but i am off to school Ight peace.. Part 2 I went to the doctor and i had high blood pressure and tomarrow i go to the hospital to get a stress test and i am only dilated 2cm still so that sucks but 2marrow i find out if i am goin to get induced or go full term or go late so ill update You 2marrow so Later
Read 2 comments
AWWWWW ur havin a baby...thats sooo special lol...i live in winnipeg...what about you?? well i hope everything is ok with tha pregnancy!!
yay! you're pregnant?? AWESOME!!! if you wanna be... maybe...i wish you luck, seing as youre only 16... go KERRY! appealoftherare