October 13th, 2008

Possibly one of the best $1.70 purchases I ever made was the Sunday Telegraph a few months ago, when they had the free CD along with the paper - The Whitlams and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. I hate the Telegraph, but just that once, it was marvelous. The Whitlams are amazing live. Much better than in studio - they're more dynamic and.. just.. good.
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Listening to: Jack Johnson - Sitting Waiting Wishing
I'm hitting that point in the semester now where everything that's due requires all this forward planning. I can be good at forward planning - so long as I have the motivation to keep it up. Today, I'm organising interviews with literature experts and Twilight fans about the series. I figure, it hasn't got a whole lot of coverage, and it would be awesome to get into their heads. And I really want to look at the occult in teen fiction.. Mwuaha.
I might have to do an internship over summer is because I need to squish in an extra literature subject at the end of next year, in order to (POSSIBLY) get into doing a Dip Ed at uni in 2010.
I took this this afternoon, just after sunset. I was a bit disappointed - if I'd turned up just ten minutes earlier I would've caught the light dying on the tracks. I should take my camera with me more often when I go for walks.