
i got my dress today...it's satin light blue! from the jessi mcclintock boutique. i'm sick right now so i hope i get better soon! grrr i have to go to school earllly tomorrow and get a spot and my new schedule. 1 new class: gov. i'm not looking forward to that cuz i really liked econ. well, i think i'll go take a nap or something.
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Omg I loved gov. well actaully i liked all the people i sat by. His tests are hard. And the cool thing is he doesnt start class till like 30 min later
your so lucky..I wish i was going. Hope you have fun! Is katt going? O hey Ashley S. found out i liked jose and now she just makes fun of me. I think she told him too...but its not like he didnt know that. So you gonna ask someone to sadies?
sounds fun...
