
Perfection. This fixation we’ve got can’t be ignored, this fascination. We were created in the image of God. Perfection is just an acknowledgement away. So we sing and we dance, like puppets on a stage, performing another useless play in the eyes of Him. We become His pets, His toys, in this never-ending quest for that which we cannot achieve. Perfection. The sandman comes every night, sprinkling sleep upon our eyes, gluing them shut. The person next to us becomes faceless and mindless in this coma of unknown bliss. We dream of heaven, the golden gates, but never have we seen the other side. So close we have come, but it’s always an arms length away. Perfection. How far will we go? The fire in our eyes burns those things that do not conform to the one, central idea. We drown all that stand up with buckets of inconsequence so that everyone may stay seated. We run through the cities smashing things that threaten, until there is nothing to hold us back. Perfection. We forget the destruction as we hold hands and pray. “We have done what you have asked! Can you not grant us what we seek?!” But there is no booming voice of congratulations, instead there is nothing. And everything goes dark until all we can see is the shine of anger in each others’ eyes. Perfection. “We have danced for you for the last time!!” we tell Him. The stage is torn down and the curtains ripped. The lights are smashed and the ropes cut. We go home and cry with our friends. And tonight when the sandman comes we will dream of nothing, because now we know that there is not anything more than what we see everyday. The white canvas is painted black, for we know, now, that nothing other than what has already been done can be achieved. Perfection. Apathy is practiced to the fullest extent. The inevitable is undeniable. Our eyes have been opened to the ominous solace that lies ahead. Death will take us nowhere. We are trapped in jails of our cynical ways. And we no longer care. ------ About time for an update, eh? Hahaha. All of my stuff is the same. I need some new ideas. Hopefully not so long of a wait next time. (Not that any of you were waiting to begin with, but oh well. I'd like to think so.) Emmmm... Au revoir!
Read 5 comments
that. thing. is. AMAZING. k? good.
buena carlota:
buena carlota: ems wrote that.
buena carlota: holy SHIT.
Undead Ozzy: hoifhoffhreh!
buena carlota: i know!
hey. you have to put that thing with the mom and the girl on here. i love that thing.
ominous solace.