phantom of the opera

omg wow!! So I went to the movies w/ sam and theresa last night to see the phantom of the opera. I now know why court loves it so mcuh!! It was soo good!!! I loved it and I want to see it again. My butt did hurt tho from sitting so long lol but it was awesome!!! O and u know what bugs the crap outa me...When freakn ppl wear MINI SKIRTS TO THE MOVIES WHEN ITS 40 DEGRESS OUTSIDE!!!!! ok so my dad is having a party 2night so all his friends are coming over. So I'm leaving to go to church w/ sam!! lol and then I'll come back and come to the basement where I always am....the computer is in the basement. lol so I better go lov ya xoxo
Read 6 comments
yeah I hate it when girls do that!
O yes I saw that movie too and fell deeply in love with it.
yeahhh church tonight was awesome. that movie DID rock hardcore lol. ahhhh pom camp. run and hide!!!!!!!!!! lol i love you read my diary. muah xoxo
smamy moo
AWESOME QUOTE AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE! LOL yeah your prince is in mexico right now...definatly. or he might be on his cruise! wooohhh! lol im in a happy mood lol bye bye night night love you
lol uhh duh i dont jsut easily get obsessed ..oh wait ..yeah i do lol
well its fing amazing i am shakign and tlakign abtou it and listeing to it rihgt this very frekaing second
ok i jsut cant shillout i lvoe ti so mcuh
three times seeign it i plan on making it four in muchugan tehn comeing backfor 567... and so forth
Kelsey that movie is freakiun awesome!! i wanna go c it again!! i love you!!