Listening to: some TBS x33
Ohhh it's sooo hawttt out. & We had the best day.
So Sunday, which was yesterday, I went to the motherfrickin coast w. the whole fam. I'm talking 40 or so people. & it was like 2/3 of the fammmm. Lol, anyways, we deff. flea-marketed the whole way down, looking for spoon rings. So we didn't find any but my aunt did, and she bought me one. Its so adorable. Yep. so did the fam thing the whole daY, rode in coby the yellow cobalt the way down. Jammin' & such.
Today. Was much, much better.
We went to Kris's dad's to swim. Swam & layed out for a couple hours, went to the university for lunch, then went back to her dad's house. Had some hotties .aka. seth & colin over. Then, swam some more.
& Now, we're getting ready to go see Duke's of Hazzard w. our hott dates from earlier ;)
It should be great.
Alright, well. Later skaters.
Werrrrrrrd ;)
♥ Chelsie