circling lies

Listening to: and hurt
Feeling: angry
Wow... just when will it stop. I get through one incident with one woman (that he is still not telling me the truth about as I found she is still sending him pictures of herself that he has NOT shared with me again!) And then comes another. I am still the worlds most beautiful loser when it comes to men. This one is almost half his age and he has known her since before we met ( over 4 years ago) I happen to turn off his alarm this morning on his cell and found some IM's that someone has been sending him about "helping her " in some form. There was an invitation out to breakfast or lunch or dinner then apparently he has invited her over to the house today to "help" her while I was am work. She asked what time his GF gets home and that is all I could handle. My heart dropped to the floor. I am crushed to know he would bring someone into our house. Apparently he has been pursuing this person for quite some time. My life once again sucks. And I feel like I did when I was married. I just can't trust anyone. How can he portray such strong love for me with such boldness and then turn around and toy with others while I am asleep and at work? I have just had the life sucked out of me. And honestly I just don't care to go on. Please tell me something other than "kick his ass out".. Its not that easy...
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Ugh. I'm sorry. Hope you're doing well these days.