
Feeling: nothing
/Bleed/ out my pain. Dream out all the thoughts of you. {{Those vague memories that kept me so_warm on cold nights.}} Even though you never touched me you always left me contently warm. Always left me wanting_more. It was thosefuckingeyes. Those eyes that can never be {{forgotton.}} {{You don't have to say you love me. You don't have to touch me, or kiss me. You don't even have to smile.}} I want you to look at me; just one more time. && I want to make myself believe that there's something there for me, behind those {{prittie, prittie}} eyes. {{{{Just one more time}}}}
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well, we all have our own opinions.thats cool your straitedge
well if that's the case, i hate emokids even more. NOT EMO MUSIC....i think "god" hates me for i have strayed from the path of righteousness. that's my only explanation...or i was going 80 in a 40