
Feeling: charmed
My cousin's Lyndsay and Carleigh from ohio are visiting for 6 weeks, last night they stayed at our house =) Lyndsay is 11 and Carleigh is 7. They are so cute! =P Tonight me and pay were gunna go see "Bad News Bears" but Dominique is going tomarrow so he said it would be easier to go tomarrow night instead. He is oming over tomarrow too.. maybe =D Tonight I might go to Bumpers with Lauren, Shan, and the one and only Gunit =) grr gtg write later <3
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I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!

Love always,
hey hey hey there hun! whats popin?! ur coming over today! haha bumpers was so incredably awsome?! i loved it!!!!!!!! i was so hyper it was greaT!
talk to you tonight., ya chick

the one and only,
hey hey need advice i got it

hey hey need advice i got it

luvv ur diary x3