I'll be gone by the time you read this.

You know, as i sit here and ponder my pety existence in this vast universe. Die a little more as the seconds tick away, that much closer to just death. I start the wonder, would anyone notice if i left? If i kicked the fucking bucket? fuck... people hardly notice that im here to begin with. No incoming calls, no incoming text... i stop texting them i dont exist. I stop calling i dont exist. I sat in my room and waited for the hope that someone out there new i was alive, new i existed... Nothing. I got a call from work telling me i was late the next day. So it makes me think does anyone actually care that i exist? Is there even a reason for me to exist anymore? Fuck Im going. And i thought i could do something with my life, you know i defiantly got ahead of myself. Fuck it anyways no one really cares, no ones really there its just me and this computer and my empty words on deaf ears. it's just me and this computer no one else is there. it's just me and this computer no one else really cares. it's just me and this computer it's just me it's ....
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Where are you going? Can I come, too?
I know you hardly know me, and I hardly know you, but you've made a huge impression on me. It would certainly matter if you left.
However. I worry about this exact same thing about once a week, and it often consumes me. The thing you've got to realize... we're all selfish busy people, and are often so involved with school, or work, or school work, or relationships, or work relationships that we can't keep up all our connections every day. Anyway. I guess my nose is brown enough now. Just keep your chin up!
In a lot of ways, I feel exactly the same.


I don't know what to say.
