::35:: so this is what you think..

What do people really think about you? by Raven319
favorite song
Parents thinkYou're an angel
Strangers thinkYou're smart
Friends thinkYou're wonderful
Quiz created with MemeGen!
lol its okay i know not to take the quizes seriously! >>today was the first day of SS people who know me will know what that is and people who dont know what it is.. ask!
Read 2 comments
hey this might sound weird but wat is ss???
okay how are we trying to steal peoples lives.gay. we have our own life and maybe leaving mean comments to people like you and your ugly ass friend andi is part of our life :) you know what you and all your friends are good at...assuming yeah thats it all you idiots do. assume. thats soo dumb kuz you could be getting so much further in life if you didnt and we never even said anything to you so i dunno why u are leaving us comments.
ali n steph