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Feeling: yummy
I am so so so excited about Harry Potter coming out I could scream. I have been waiting forever for this. Today Jill, Bri, Mags, and I went to see Charley and the chocolate factory. It was good...very funny. Last night all of us went up to Orono to chill with Cece and Marty and it ended up being very chill. Everyone was drinking, but I stuck to the reefer. It really is more fun. I feel so on top of the world when I have that stuff...it makes my life so much easier. I am leaving on Monday, and I am going to see my Gaines. He is the cutest little kid ever...I miss him so much!! I am at a point in my life that I am just excepting the fact that I am single and having fun with it. I know that I am not going to be this way forever, so why not embrace it? The time will come when guys will see me for someone who is strong, fun, and sexy:). mucho love maggie
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Excuse me maggie, dont you ever accuse me of saying shit behind anyones back. How dare you! You don't fucking know me, you don't know where I come from, you are not there with me while I live my life and what I talk about and say. "you have no clue how hurtful the things you do and say are". what the fuck is that, whoever told you anything maggie is lying i dont give a fuck what you think of me because honestly I dont think i have anything to...
to be worried about from you! Its about time I stick up for myself because yall are giving me shit for nothing. Who are you maggie huh? Tell me because all I see is a pot smokeing loser who writes about her life as getting drunk and smoking. Sweet your choice but who the fuck are you? Dont come at me like that saying that shit. I dont fucking care what you say nor maggie. You obviously need to take a look at your friends too because you obviously
dont know how they roll, or what they say! Stay the fuck out of this shit, shut your mouth and dont ever call me something im not! Especially if you dont know me! Dont talk to me...
sorry nyesha.. you dont know maggie either and if she chooses to smoke pot and drink that is her choice... nothing bad comes out of having some fun.. i dont get why you are so against it but that is your choice... dont judge her if you dont want to be judge... you think that she is throwing her life away.. many well off people smoked pot or drank in highschool... and some still do..
smokin and drinkins a great time, neways this seems like a pretty good fight so ill stay outta it