i'm the officer, betch. [edit]

this weekend was . .. busy as hell. never underestimate the stupidity and arrogance of people in large groups. i'll elaborate later as i've got a migraine, but it wasn't -all- bad, just frustrating at times. word to the wise: if a security officer kindly tells you not to act like a dipshit, please take the advice. hope everyone had a fabulous weekend - and have an even better week! (= ps. since there has been such a tremendous gap in between the last time i wrote regularly and now, feel free to ask any questions you wish. [edit] man, i am such a suh-lacker, even after all these years. actually, i've just been very busy lately. worked all last weekend, then went on a two-day road-trip to the mall of america. (cheesy? perhaps, but mike hadn't been there before and we could only go so far due to time constraints.) i can't really say too much about last weekend, other than the fact that most crotch-rocket riders are spoilt, arrogant, frat-boy-types that become increasingly so year after year. and respect for others? forget that - they don't know what the hell the word even means. i love my security job, but one weekend in particular just gets worse every year. we even get the sheriff's dept in to help with the 'animals' and still people are regularly hauled off in ambulances or handcuffs (or both). aside from that, things are going well enough. i'm glad it's the weekend. and work is finally improving as much as it's capable of; 'the bitch supervisor' found another job, so things have been much more relaxed since her departure. the home improvements should apparently be done before the start of july, so i'm looking forward to 'tikis on the roof!' heh. hope everyone has a terrific weekend! [end edit: 9 june 07 - 0023 CDT]
Read 4 comments
'Cha! And monkeys might fly out of my butt!
i haven’t written regularly in some time either. and i have become deplorably remiss in answering comments and sending emails. but i am very glad to hear from you again and to see you writing here. and i have a question, since you give permission to ask. where are you living these days?-matt
Mmm, home movies. I keep my anal/animal videos separate just in case. :P Hope you've having a groovy week tootsiepop.
i cant believe youre alive.