
tips* *always have candy and food wrappers in your back pack so when (if you go to school)you get home from school you have an excuse to not eat dinner...this one worked alll the time for me. "honey what do you want for dinner?" "Nothing i ate soooo much today" "what did you eat?" "i know its bad but i ate alot of candy adn chips, and i had a few sodas. if i eat any more i'll explode." then go take a nap. **i always take the dog for a walk right when i get home. i walk one mile with him, that way he gets exercise and i get exercise. also before i go to bed i do 150-200 sit ups. ***If you have to eat, cut your food up into tiny pieces; the size you would feed a three year old so that they don’t choke. Spend time making each piece into a perfect square. This also makes it look like (to others) that you had more food than you actually did! If someone points out your full looking plate, look at them oddly and say, “I had seconds, didn’t you see?” ****you tend to eat more if your alone. so DO NOT EAT ALONE. its a big no no. when people are around it wont make them think twice about any ED stuff. ***Don’t feel bad for throwing food away. It’s not wasting. If you think of it this way, even if you eat it, it gets wasted because it comes out the other end, so why not throw it away and waste it, than waste it after it makes you fat? **Egg whites are wonderful for when you’re starving. Throw some spices (I like Italian seasoning) and scramble them up! You can even boil the egg and eat the white part and throw away the yolk! There are only fifteen to twenty calories per large egg white. The yolk however, is killer. It usually has anywhere from fifty to seventy-five calories in it alone! If you’re that hungry have two egg whites, just please! Stay away from the yolks! *diet soda is the fucking best. it tastes nasty if your used to regular soda, but after a while its ok. Make sure to buy ones made with splenda (it will be on the label) and not aspartame. aspartame causes all sorts of disorders. **When possible, use a smaller plate to eat off of. It makes it look like you had more than you actually did! ***drink water over soda, its cal free, and good for you. if you drink enough then you will feel full. which causes you not to be hungry. ****When you have to eat, put your fork down between bites and take a sip of water. It takes longer to eat that way. *****Paint your nails with a strong polish and top coat to hide brittle nails and discoloration from lack of nutrients. ****A great distraction is to clean and organize your room! Your parents will be pleased and your room will look great! Go through old things and toss what you don’t need or don’t use. Do the same for your clothes; get rid of all your bigger clothes, so that you have to wear the smaller ones. It’s a great motivator! ***Find an online ana buddy and compete to see who can lose the most in one week! Do it in a pounds per inch fashion. When you start the competition, divide your weight by how many inches tall you are. Then, at the end date of the competition, divide your weight by your height in inches again, subtract it from the first number you got, and you’ll see who wins! **When you do use your calorie intake for the day, use it on healthy things, like fruits, vegetables and protein. Why be thin and dead *Caffeine pills spike your energy and make you less hungry. Opt for the pills if you can, because they have less calories than coffee, if you are one of the people that need creamer! Be sure not to take more than the recommended dose. You CAN overdose on caffeine. I have done it. It is NOT pleasant!
Read 3 comments
caeleigh, do you have a more private area to talk? your bf from what i understand, cares for you. he would get in the way of you becoming ana. he could possibly tell you parents or some one more important. but im just saying.
yeah - do you talk on msn? or elftown....?
Hey Darling This is Kayla-Crazycutter. Just wanted to say hey. That was a great update.
