Welcome To Total Randomness

Feeling: bizarre
I don't know what to write, but when I visit my own diary there should be something there to see damn it! I'm on a sugar high and I have nothing to do, so that will be obvious in my writing. Yay Writing! Hmm...what else is there really to say? Oh well. Welcome to my own random version of what is known as a "diary". Interesting how girl can use the term while guys tend to prefer the more manly word of "journal". This is becoming worse than the liberty or death thing I wrote for school...Oh well yet again! I'm done now...someone finally came online and now I can talk to them. Yay! Me...the antispirit, which I typed wrong when applying for this diary thing, so I guess I'm actually the anitispirit. Oh well. (End)
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hi...........welcome my friend
Yeah, scar my body.....kinda weird coming from someone as happy as me huh? Well maybe not, anyway you're welcome for the welcome. *WOW* Okay well I should go, I am looking forward to keeping in touch, even if it is over this journal/diary thing.