[4] Sure

Listening to: No Clue...
Feeling: bewildered
I'm quite confused. I downloaded two of the same song by the same person and they sound completely different. Its "Sunday" by Cranberries. The first one is in spanish. I have no clue who is singing it. I know the second one is the song I was looking for, but I wanna find out who the first one is because it sounds absolutely awesome.... Yeah, this was a pointless entry. Zachy and Kay should be together. I know I went out with him and it should feel weird but they belong together. Like me and Cale. *sigh* Oh well. Always, Gina.
Read 5 comments
hry.. That song rocks.. well the english version anyways. dunno the spanish one.
cool pic btw
AWESOME! i got al excited when i saw 1 comment hah how gay huh? i just made mine more colorful.... it was probably all gay and boring when you saw it
rubber band that holds the asparagus together when you buy it...i tend to collect them every time i get asparagus...it says asparagus on it! im awesome!!!
haha ya....I Am Canadian;P lol