last day of school & first night of summer break =)

Hollaaa So today was our last day of our freshman year =). It went by so fast, and I must say I definatly wouldn't have survived this year without ALICIA RAMBO and CHELSEA DEHLER. These two girls were ALWAYSS there for me and were there in the good and bad times. This year I learned so much about myself and everyone else. I truly wouldn't have traded one moment, good or bad, for anything. Thanks to everyone who made it such a good year =). Well today in school every period was pretty much the same. People signing year books, taking pictures, and talking about the year. It truly didn't hit me that like this was it, like we are done with school and we are no longer freshman, until the dismissal bell rang. I know a lot of people that absolutely dreaded this year, but this is a year I'm never going to forget. There are so many learning experiences and memories to say it was a bad year. So I walked home from school listening to all the buses beep their horns and kids screaming lol. Came home, ate dinner, and then my dad took me over to Alicia's around 530. When I got there we got ready and then Brandon picked us up. We dropped this kid Donny off and then picked up Frankie from work and drove him somewhere. Then around 830 we picked Chelsea up and then Brandon dropped me and Chels off at the Baldwin Muncipal building while him and Alicia went to go get his uncles truck. So me and Chels went and played on the playground haha. So he came back and got us. Me and Chelsea had fun sitting in the back seat that was more like 2 little stools haha. Then we stopped at Alicia's and went to 'Denny's' to eat. Brandon didn't come in (won't go into any detail) so me, Alicia, and Chelsea had a chance to have our "girl talk". It was so good to talk with them like we did. After all that, we drove Chelsea home around 11 and then Brandon dropped me off. It was pretty much a typical night, but I wouldn't rather have done anything else. Besides, tomorrow is where the reallll partying starts ahahah. Oh my. So It's FINALLY summer. I have a feeling this summer is going to be the best out of them all. Only because I am so excited for Atlantic City and going to all of the carnivals. And of course, I'm pumped about heading up to the pool =). Well I'm out for now, until next time i guess, peaceee baby.
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