i love everyone

Listening to: nothing...
Feeling: abandoned
hello everyone so heres whats up people who leave awful annonymos mesages are so lame i can't take it not jsut on mine but once someone was so lame they left 20 stuid mean deragatory comments on my friends diary how lame is that? i mean don't people have more to do wiht there time than write mean shit on other peoples journals? anyway peopl need to cut that shit out! stupid haters! haha haters thats such a funny word! anywho i love all of you guys especially kt jax and aaron! hehe oh hello anthony if you read this entry maybe some day i will be able to tell you my true feelings haha! well love peace and chicken greese! BILLY IDOL IS SO HOT!!!!!!!
Read 9 comments

i had to make my diary..

no wait... awkward sentence..


i had to set my diary so that it would only accept from logged in users...

that way, they don't comment or at least you can comment back

ewww no hes not!! haha no what word is weird? hagard!

he looks good in that picture...



but i turn 18 in two months & than he'll kinda sorta be illegal for me...

he's 15-ish....

to bad guys like him don't come in my age...


how's all???
OMG!!!!!!!!! your so awesome I LOVE BARNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and people make fun of me because my room is barney lol and im 17! its awesome but yeah whats up with you? you seem pretty tight
but wait...

it gets more fucked up...

he's not only younger,

i met cause i'm a t.a. for

his "strategic lit." class...

it's a class for kids that aren't all

caught up....


but he's beautiful.....

hey well yeah i go to a charter school so theres a sesion that is from 7-12am then 12-5pm and 5-10pm and i go from 12 5 so its pretty weird hahaha
well personally i think billy idol is ugly but thats my opinion ohh and i'm soo luvin ur barney background...its sooo funny...well ttyl,
i love billy idol's "white wedding"song! and your "name" "barbie" lol AND i love Your background!!!! peace out, [kathy]