dont know what to do :-/

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: betrayed
doesn't he know how much i care? doesn't he know that i also need him to be there? doesn't he know that i also love him, or that i can't live without him... or that i dont want to lose him either???? DOESN'T HE KNOW? well, lemme tell you something, he doesn't know. and it's hard b/c i never had anyone tell me the things he tells me; let alone KNOWING that he means it. so i dont know what to do with that. do i say the same thing back? no, then he'll think i dont mean it... but i do.... do i tell him what i've been telling him? that there is no me without him... no smile to my face, no happy feelings inside me, none of that. just a blur of colors all around when he is not with me. but if it hasn't clicked yet, then will it ever? does he want me take long walks with him again, laying under the stars cuddling close to his chest, kissing in the darkness? if he was here, i would... does he want proof? m4k3sw33TLuv2m3: all u do is talk about him m4k3sw33TLuv2m3: how good he makes u feel m4k3sw33TLuv2m3: how u've never felt that way with anyone before m4k3sw33TLuv2m3: and all that good shit i dont know what to do anymore. the question is not "what do u do when the one you love doesn't love you back?" the question is; "what do you do when the one you love doesn't believe that you do?"
Read 6 comments
First of all, I like your diary a lot. Blue is my second favorite color. But it runs a close race with the color clear. :P

But I also want to tell you that I'm so sorry about what seems to be going on with you and your boy. If I knew what was totally going on, I could probably help better. All I can say now though, is keep your head up. Love is a miracle that makes things fall into place.

♥ Sarah
Thank you thank you! :)
who's that m4k3sw33tluv2m3 chick. she's gotta be hott! LOL.

things will get better hun, u kno that. just keep doin what u do, and things will get better, he will figure it out. if not, he's stupID! LOL, if u read this Eddy. I love you. LOL!!! DON'T WHOOP MY ASS! AHAHA
yes....yes we are the cutest little things, we've been told that too

yea dude, wtf. i haven't written a decent entry in like years! its like wtF?! lol, cuz there is nothing going on in my life, same shit, different day. its like wtf. i just want school to come already. i'm kinda glad i am going to Nelsen's class (ew can't believe i said that) so i can spend a few hours with Hamilton. LOL, i miss her. AHAHA
hey andrea things will be fine i promise. the challenges in a relationship are the things that make em stronger. love ya and keep ur head up hun ik how much he makes u happy.