Summer '05

Listening to: Roseanne
Feeling: perturbed
SumMer's HERE!! yes i know technically school's been out for almost a week, but its been nice and i havent been on. Anyhow my day is going sooo slow...which means tomorrow will go slower and I work!! and I also work Thursday and Friday!! Today I layed out, so im slightly darker (some places red). Then I baked cookies for Pat. MmMmM...little does he know I'm eating some of them! Then because I'm a fat ass, I walked around Shenango Greens w/ Danielle. I usually walk a mile around the track, but I'm extremely low on gas. besides shenango greens is right across the road! well i guess i'm gonna go take a quick nap before I go out!
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Listening to: Simple Plan-Untitled
I know I havent written much. I havent really had the time. I'm not usually on the internet anymore. Anywho...this weekend went okay. lets just say it wasnt how I would expect it to me. Friday was good, I went to the Pirate game with(long list)Pat,Goswick,Kully,Raush,Kyo,Jamie,Kyle(piper),Steve Slack,and Brian C. The game was good. Except we lost! (boo) We had the best seats. We sat first section, 3rd row back and out near right field. We could literally almost touch Lawton(50cent..inside joke). It started to storm just as we left PNC Park. We were leaving the parking garage and Pat almost hit this lady. It was the scariest thing I ever witnessed in my life. I swear we ran her over. It was her fault, she had her head down and jay-walked. IDIOT!! Saturday I watched Star Wars for the first time. (yes I know)!! Sunday was okay, but well leave that alone. lets see anything else to share...Prom's this friday!!! I cant wait!! I'll have pics on my webpage, which i'll give the address for later. ~Rachel Lyn
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I'm doing nothing. Todays my mom's birthday!! I'll write more when i have time, Pats coming over!!
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I Hate Track!

Feeling: disappointed
I seriously cant stand track. I cant do it. I suck this year. I dont know why i even try. I was better as an f'ing freshman. Friday I get out early and dont even freaking run anything. I couldnt even make the damn relay team this year. She beat me by .2 seconds! AGHHHH!! anyhow my 100 times have skyrocketed dramatically. I seriously after hearing them want to go throw up. I decided to run with the long distance today. I ran 3.8 miles. It wasnt too bad. I wasnt completely dead at the end. Pat's mad at me because Miss Altman didnt give me back his paper that was due tomorrow. (well it was an extra)! The library was closed, when do u want me to get it! Then today I heard a rumor that started last year! Apparently I had sex with Josh Koscinksi! WTF! Theres absotue-freakin'-lutely no way i did. WHY would I have had sex with him. Lets see I was "going out" w/ him in 7th grade. I was dating Jeff 9/10th grade. And I dated Pat since 10th grade also. When did I have sex with him. I seriously HATE this grade. Its like a fricking soap opera every damn day!
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Havent written in a while!

Listening to: hero
Feeling: cranky
We had to track today at 10 in the morning! It wasnt so bad, except I couldnt breathe at the end. At least I didnt have to throw up! Anyhow, last nite was the I Scream Social. It was so stupid. Plan B played, lets not go there. I'm sorry but I think that Dave B. can sing way better! Cooper's daughter was out on the floor dancing. She was absolutely adorable! I was suppose to go out afterwards with Kim and Sam driving around. but i decided not to go. Kim's only had her license for 2 weeks and the roads were reallly bad! Besides my mom would kill me! She was driving up to Volant. I"ll go another time when the roads arent bad. I had just heard about the Ellwood kid who was killed because he lost control of his car, and I knew that Johna had dated him for a long time. NEways, we dont have track tomorrow, but we have it Sat, and then Monday. I'm skipping Sat. 0:) hehe!!
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Not Much

Spring Preview Night tonite! Besides that not much has happened to me! Well actually a lot but I'm tired and I have to get up @ 10 to go to track practice so I'll write more later when I get a chance!
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Listening to: tv
Feeling: needy
SICK!!!...I Have the flu! I feel soo yucky! I spent most of the day in bed(or bathroom)! I also have a major headache. Any sound or light makes me nauseous! :(
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I Hate People

Feeling: placid
I seriously HATE people. Today was one of the worst days I've had. I realized 7th pd that someone stole $20 from my purse! omg! WTF! Why do u feel the need to take my money. I need just as much as you do. I was seriously trying so hard not to cry. I was more pissed then anything. 8th pd I searched my gym locker just in case. Thats when I realized that it had to have been taken during track practice. I only left it unattended while I was changing. Or someone (since everyone was outside that day) took while we were practicing. So I kept all my jewelry on today and went and locked my purse in the trunk of my car. I'm usually so good about locking things up. I always lock my purse up during gym or practice. I never leave my purse alone anywhere. UGH!! I wish I knew who it was so I could kick them and steal whatever they have.(Not really) But I want something from them to be taken, just so they know how it feels. Jerks!!!!
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Listening to: nothing
Feeling: dead
Today was such a long boring day of nothing! Track was un-real, I'm so tired. I really dont have much to say. I'll prob. write more tomorrow when I'm not half dead!
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Long Day!

Listening to: Roseanne!
I feel so much better today but it was such a loong day! I seriously hate spanish! We checked our worksbooks today. Good thing they werent graded because I screwed it up. She didnt explain anything to me about it because I left early, so i didnt know what was going on. So I guessed the whole way through it. My 1-3 periods were sucky. 4th period we had two tests!! 5th period im starting to get sick of also, for some reason. 6th(spanish)was absolutely horrible and 7th was okay. History was funny! Me and Lauren had to look up our project topic, which is International Items. Mr.Fee helped us. Then at the end of class since we were in the library, we sat at the desks and Mr. Fee sat across from us. He asked me if I was okay, cause he told me not to drive home yesterday. I said I was fine, and then I was talking to Kyley about the PERSONAL questions they asked me. She laughed. Mr Fee(who i should mention was just joking around) started to ask me some of those questions. Like have you had a tattoo in the past 12 months.Nope! and then do u have HIV, and I was like No. Then he asked have you ever had unprotected sex? I got sorta red and said No. I was telling Kyley that they asked me if I had these diseases I never even heard of. Mr.Fee laughed and goes you shoulda said yeah! LoL. Then I told him that they asked me if I've ever recieved money or drugs in exchange for sex! hehe! I was thinking when he asked me if I've ever had unprotected sex, I should been like yeah!! and then kidding! lol!! Well Pat is suppose to call me but he hasnt. Tomorrow I'm going to the Hero Pagent with Lauren and Kim! Cant wait!!
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Blood Drive

Listening to: POD-Alive
Feeling: idiotic
There was a blood drive at school today! I went at 12:30 and got out of Spanish! Before you can give blood you have to answer all these random questions. Some of them were like were you ever given drugs or money in exchange for sex? WHAT? or have you ever had unprotected sex before 1977? umm wasnt born yet! The funniest one was have you have ever had sex with a man who's had sex with another man? OMI!! NO!!!! Well anyway the nice lady then pricked my finger to see if my iron was high enuff. The lady was like squeezing my finger to get the blood out! It passed! Then she handed me my blood bag to fill. Well this other lady was nice! She checked to see which one of my veins was better! Then she asked me if I was okay! I was pale! Then she made me lie down. She stuck my arm with the needle(yikes) but had to dig because she didnt hit the vein the first time! Then I had to lie there for about 10 mins. till my bag filled. Well when I was down I guess I got sick during it cause she kept asking me if i was ok. I said no I felt a little dizzy. So she made me put knees up. Then a little while later the nurse made me sit up. I sat up and everything got swirly and I went "whoa"! Shes like lay back down!! So she gave me an ice pack behind my neck. She tried to make me sit up again, but that didnt work. So I layed there for another 5 mins. She asked me if I wanted to go lay on the cot for the sick ones. I told her no, I'll just go sit on the mats on the floor. Well she helped me over there. This other girl Sara was sick too! Kyley and Cassie got me Sprite and crackers. But I really didnt eat them, cause then I got naeseous and a headache. So I layed down. The man doctor came and asked me if I was okay! Well I sat there for about 20 minutes. Andrew Emig was sitting there telling me jokes to make me feel better! How Nice of him! Well I decided I felt just a little bit better so I wanted to go back to class! (I must have really been sick) Well I felt bad because other people needed the mats! Anyhow I took my Sprite with me and Donnie helped me walk up the stairs and to History. Lets just I was sleeping thru that class. Only Kyley wouldnt let me. Then Mr. Fee told me I should wait to drive home and Lauren offered me a ride. Well I just had Michelle follow me and Kim ride with me. Well that was my lovely story. Hey at least I got out of Spanish!! (and lunch and Accounting) I wonder if I'll give blood next year! hmm...
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2 hour Delay!!

Feeling: lovesick
I dont think this day could get any better! It probably could. Let see I started my day off with a 2 hour delay!! Then Mr. Fee didnt check the study guide!! Another plus. Did a lab in Chem! Didnt do anything in Video cause my partner was finishing up his earlier project. Spanish she only called on my ONE time today. I'm shocked, ususally she calls on me about 4x a day! English wasnt tooo bad! Accounting as usual did nothing and finished homework early and then talked w/ Sam, Kim and Lauren! Then Track was canceled for today! This means I'll only be going to track one day this week! ::YEA!:: Thursday I'm not going because I'm giving blood for the blood drive. And Mrs.Petrak was saying that it drains you for a couple days and you shouldnt do a hard track workout that day. I took that as a translation of dont go! hehe! Sooo today I came home and had the chocolate chip cookies I baked the nite before!! So Right now I'm going to go read ch.2 of Lord of the Flies (worst book by the way) and review for a history test! Love Always, Rachel
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Feeling: crampy
I seriously hope we have a 2 hr delay tomorrow. I bet we dont because the f'ing salt trucks have gone up and down the road at least 15 times tonite! GRRR!! Well lets see what I did this weekend: *Saturday* Went to Pats for Nick's birthday. His family from Rochester was there. We watched the Beaver Falls/Aliquippa game. Best game I ever saw. Then we played poker for like an hour and half. So boring, but me and pat won! Yeah! Then I went home *Sunday* Went to SRU to GloStock 3. It was okay except some of the bands sorta sucked! This band called Orphan was horrible. There one song was called 'Murder your Parents and Kill your Brother'. Thats when we decided to tour Slippery Rock. Then we got a demo of them and their one song talked of slitting Christ throat. Horrible! It was actually repulsive. Had I known thats what it was I probably woulda threw it back in their face! About an hour later Aurora (Norge's band) came on! THEY ROCKED! I loved them!!! Dr.Glo goes before the band anyone here practice Safe sex? No one answered! WoW thats sort of disturbing! Then he handed out glow in the dark condoms! Nice! I seriously love Aurora! Then afterwards Pat came to my house and we had pizza and wings. Then I got the WORST cramps and he went home. Not that you need to know this but this week has seriously been the worst. I have had killer cramps. I've been doubled over. Anywho..thats my weekend!
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Random Funny Thing

Listening to: Bill Engvall
Three Things You NEVER want to hear at a parent-teacher conference: 3.You're only responsible for the first $10,000 worth of damage 2.We have medication for this 1.It was more then 10.oz and less then 100 yrds away from the school! Thought You'd Like It!!
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Track Starts Again!!

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: exhausted
Wow today started off bad! I walk out of my house and what happens a huge dog appears out of nowhere!! I was so scared, it looked friendly but lets not take the chance! So I hide in my garage till it bothered Shadow, my outside lab. I took that opportunity to run to my car! Then I forgot a pencil. Then I was late for track practice because I left my clothes in my car and I couldnt move car because the senior parking lot was still full! Then track was soooo hard!! We did warm ups-not so hard. Then the 6 minute warm up run! Then sprint warm ups & sprint form running. Then STEPS!! it went that we ran up everystep with both feet hitting every step, twice. Then we had to hop up every step,twice. Then hop with on foot, twice. Then hop up as many steps as we could, twice. Then run as fast as we could, three times. Then a minute of crunches. A minute of push ups. When we were done we did a 7 minute jog around the school! We had to go to the weight room when we were done, but I didnt go. I'll do it at home, I have my own weight bench!!! Well I'm so tired I'm going to soak in the tub and go to bed!
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Spending time w/ my Lovelies

Listening to: silence
Feeling: sluggish
I had so much fun tonite! Lauren, Kim, Cait, Sarah, Janice, Michelle and Erika all came over. We had so much fun playing this movie game called "Shout about Movies"! It was hysterical! My team kicked sum serious but(yea Kim, Sarah, Michelle) It was soo much fun! We all picked out on brownies salsa/cheese dip and pizza. There was sorta of a bit of down side too it. Sarah had to leave and go pick up her mom and when she came back she was like theres an ambulance in ur neighbor's driveway! Well I knew my pap was sick, he was already at the hospital. I never jumped so fast in my life off the couch and up the stairs shouting for my mom. She yelled at me because I was halfway out the door in my stocking feet. She told me to go back downstairs. He was sorta okay tho. He couldnt breathe and we found out he had phemunia. After that Michelle and Erika came from dance. It was a seriously fun nite. Cant wait to do it again!!
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Too Much Drama

You know what today not Valentine's Day (okay yes it is, but besides that)! Its Drama day! or at least it felt like it. We had a little incident in Video Class. Let's just say Cody and Sarah got into it. Or Cody yelled at Sarah. It wasnt pretty. I just sat there like a dope, stunned. I guess Sarah talked to Miss Guy and we are having a group dicussion. O Fluff! lol
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Bake a Cake

Listening to: Heinz chew a bone
Feeling: pensive
I baked Pat a 2 layer cake last nite for his birthday allll by myself. okay, I had help from my mom putting it together because it was falling apart! Then I iced and sprinked it..i took a pic. I was so proud. I'm actually liking this very slow week that I'm having. So far I havent had ANY homework. well very litte. 2nite I dont really have any, because I have a study hall first period. We aired our recycling commerical this morning, and I didnt watch it. Since I go to the library for 1st period, they dont show the annoncements. (since we have no HOMEROOMS!!) I had at least 5 pple come up to me and laugh because of it. My only line was "DJ!!!! should have recycled that!" I didnt know that it would be sooo hysterical. Erika told me her entire health class burst out laughing! well I'm not watching it again tomorrow either! :)!
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100 Things I wanna Do b4 I Die

Listening to: Tv-American Wedding
I'm gonna keep updating this so keep looking back every once in a while, they are in no piticular order... 1.Go to Paris and visit every thing there, the museum, the tower, etc. 2.Skydive 3.take a road trip w/ my friends 4.Go to an exotic island for 2 weeks 5.Visit New York City 6.ride in the subway 7.Stay out all Nite doing nothing 8.Learn to play the guitar 9.Learn to play the drums 10.become a teacher 11.eventually get married 12.better yet married to Brad Pitt 13.go see a Superbowl Game 14.Visit the stonehedge 15.Visit Italy 16.Go White Water Rafting 17.Learn how to really play poker 18.Surf 19.Have sex all across the state(Continent lol Erika) of Hawaii 20.Learn to juggle 21.Learn Sign Language 22.Write a book 23.Eat in the most expensive resturant in the world 24.Taste every type of ice-cream in the world 25.bake cookies without burning the first batch all the greatest novels ever written nothing but junk food for one day 28.Learn if Mr. Fee is really buddahist 29....or if he's really in the FBI! 30.go to a Kenny Chesney Concert 31.actually understand chemistry 32. build a house for the homless 33.adopt a child 34.learn how to cook 35.learn how to fix a car 36.outran Brittany 37.pass chemistry 39.own an amusement park 40. go on a shopping spree a docotor 42.grow old without self pity 43. memorize the Bible 44. make a new word 45.find a mispelled word in the dictionary. my mommy a house 47.visit all 50 states. 48. outsmart Ms. Smith 49.prove mr. Uber wrong 50. learn to live life to the fullest 51. visit a sick person in the hospital 52. befriend someone i dont know my mom a house 54. send my brother to Florida 55. play a good practical joke 56. go to Ireland 57. learn to play the guitar 58. get straight A's 59. build my own house 60. save a life 61.swim with dolphins 62. scuba dive 63.bunjee jump 64. spend a day to play with kids in an orphange
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Upside Down

Listening to: No More Drama
Feeling: confused
Wow..somehow I wish I didnt know this! I have a half-brother. His name is Greg. He's my dad's son. What the heck...all these years I only thot I had one brother. Well techinically I consider Aj my only brother. But biologically i have this 24 yr. old brother. I cant tell anyone, I wouldnt want to. How would I explain. My mom also filed for divorce. I knew it was coming. BUt somehow I wish I lived in dark. I want to see what this kid looks like. I dont want to meet him. I wonder if he knows about me. I wonder if he even knows that my dad is his dad..I think
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