31. home about time

well my weekend was weird. we left after school on thursday and i didnt have school friday. and i didnt get that email kim lol lair. yea on friday was a boring day all i did was clean my grandmas house and sit outside. boring yes and then i went with my cousin for something in wausau yea that was like a 45 minutes drive (boring) we got some stuff for the house. well i was lucky that day went by fast. soo yea. that whole night i was lying there in my bed thinking about kim ( cute isnt it) yea. that was like the only way to get my mind off how hot it was in that house. yea. im still hot from that place. and then i woke up on saturday. i dont remember what really happened i think i just made breakfast for myself and went back to sleep bc i didnt feel good for some reason. then around 3 we went to my cousin's wally's gradution party. yea i was there for 12 hours. yea i pretty much played volleyball and talk to my family and then. lol then the next thing it was 2 in the morning my family had a few drinks yea it gets worse. one of my cuz's friends starts talking shit to my uncle danny soo yea he gets pissed. ooh that would have been a big fight if my brother wouldnt taken that one guy. but still my uncle danny was pissed and started to talk to my aunt lisa saying that her daugther is a big fat ho. lol that was funny bc i was laughing in my head. then again they started to fight and my aunt lisa tried stopping it and she claims that she got hit my drunken uncle yea it just got worse. yea i was pissed bc they woke me up. i was sleeping in the van yea. well my uncle danny fell and got kicked in the chin and it was bleeding really bad and he was pissed that some1 kicked him in the chin and the guy he thought he did it was wearing any shoes. yea makes no since that fight was about 45 minutes long. yea i seen the whole thing. and i one thing to say about my family and i mean this and THERE A BUNCH OF DRUNKEN HICKS THAT GET PISSED ABOUT ANYTHING. i couldnt sleep that night bc i was throwing up every 30 minutes yea i sick but im fine now. food poising from MC donalds AGAIN. yea my weekend was the weirdest in my life yea i missed kim the whole weekend. and i still do now. i love u kimmy Kick
Read 4 comments
awsome journal :) i like element too
sounds like your weekend was wild.
aw neat diary! i love it when boys have them ha.
DUDE!!! is this cory kickhaver???

it's me Nelson! dude drop me a line sometime. keep in touch!