
Happy Valentines Day! I hope it is a very sweet day for you. This is a day that is just meant to remind you how much you are loved. Does it mean it has to be from the opposite sex? No. Its a reminder of how much love there is in the world and how much you can change it by loving someone else. Go tell someone you love them.
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Hello all, Or really to anyone who reads this ever... i guess thats really the question. I am working at the moment at my job at the Princess Hotel. I am an order taker for room service. It is normally really interesting and sort of fun (as fun as work can be), but today we are not busy AT ALL and it is so boring!! So I have decided to update this. Life has been flying by these days. Sometimes I don't even realize how much i have done, seen and been until a week as passed. This summer has been occupied with working and working and traveling and working and then traveling again. I have just put in my 2 weeks notice at work since I am going to be going back to DU soon. I cannot wait. I absolutely LOVE DU and i really miss not being there. I miss all the people and the scenery. I can't really explain it but I miss everything there. I love it here still dont get my wrong but I love DU so much more, all my freedom and indepence and stuff. I went to Bethany Beach for about 10 days, that was really fun adn enjoyable. Just literally relaxed for that time, hadnt done that in forever! So i enjoyed that. Ended the quarter really well. Got all A's! yay for me. Lots of new friendships, ended some friendships, and got a relationship, ended that as well. Spent the summer reflecting, and healing from those situations and stuff. Its gone really well. I feel 90% about those situations now, just have to face them once more and see where they lead to know how they will work out. I recently got sick. That really sucks, especially since it seems like i continue to make EVERYONE around me sick as well :( I feel horrible for them adn for myself because I still don't feel 100%. Time will help though and this week hasnt been so crazy that I have begun to heal. Recently saw a few friends from here adn taht was fun. I really wish i had seen more people more often but no one was ever free. O well, Ill be back at christmas I guess... Well this entry is long enough, if we are still not busy in a bit ill come and just ramble my thoughts out, but this is enough of a recap for now. Hope you are doing well, and remember things are always better tomorrow. Casey
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Free Time

So... I have a lot of free time right now, because there is absolutely no one here on campus right now. Ok, thats not true, there are a few select souls on campus, but I either don't know them, don't like them, or don't want to talk to them! So, i have decided it is more than time that I update this. I have no idea who will actually read it, but I know I read a lot of peoples and they never know, so here you go those few and far between souls that read this. As far as I updated I had just gotten back to DU. well.. its been about 10 weeks since then. Its been a whirlwind quarter. Full of lots of stress, boys, and friends. Finally got over my winter break boyfriend, that one seemed to take a while, a lot of emotions evolved in that one. Really depended on my friends to get me through that, and became really close to them because of it. Whatelse... stress which is normal for me if you know me, the littlest things set me off. OH! I moved rooms, just across the hall, but i moved that i guess happend the second week of the quarter, seems sooo long ago! But that whole situaiton is much better now. Anyways... dated a guy for a while, but it just didn't work out... just ended up not being there for me. Hate when that happens... I wish i could know immediately that that is going to happen beucase i hate when it does! I HATE hurting people!! So I decided to swear off all guys becuase of that, but that of course only lasted about 2 weeks, until i fell into like iwth another guy. We are seeing eachother. Who knows where that will go.. he doesn't go to DU so its going to be interesting to see what happens, distance can be small and still be to much... so I don't know. I do know that he is like no one I have dated in the past and that I really like him (which usually equals trouble instore for me! *crosses fingers that doesn't happen*) Went home for a weekend, that was pretty fun, saw a lot of people in a very short amount of time. Didn't see some, but thats ok, life goes on. :)On the weekends other than that one trip, I went to the mountains A LOT, and got in a lot of skiing. Lots of fun, and I have gotten a lot better! :) Otherwise, i have gone to parties (i know shocking), and really started to have a good time! (thats how i met the last 2 guys im dating, haha kinda funny if you know me at all!) I still don't drink that much, I am a total light weight and have a huge fear of getting sick so I stay away from it once i feel it a bit! :) Finished off the quarter about to die from the stress, but managed it quite succesfully. I got 3 A- and 1 A, so all in all i did very well! :) About to start another quarter which im sure will be full of lots of surprises, stresses, skiing and im sure fun. I may be coming home for another weekend, don't know though. If I do my best friend is going to come as well! So I am very excited about that. Going to my grandfathers wedding in 2 weeks, pretty excited about that, got 2 dresses for all the parties and the actual wedding so i should look awesome if nothing else! hahah :) Just got back from spring break, lots of fun with the family as usual skiing in Breckenridge and then going to Colorado Springs for a 24 hour stretch very fun and very relaxing! I enjoy being on my own better though hahah :) So now i am on my own, about to go get some coffee or something with a friend who happens to live in Denver, and catch up with her about our breaks! I finally found someone to call me back! :) I hope you on semesters enjoy the last little bit you have left, and those wiht the fresh quarter, think of it as a fresh start, with new possibilities! Anythings possible, just have a little faith and remember to smile and you will get through anything. Summer here we come!! Casey
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Sonnet Class

So I am taking a class that is totally on sonnets. The class is called discovery literature so I thought we would be reading books and stuff like that, i was wrong. we are going over the history of the sonnet and stuff like that. At first I thought omg what have i gotten myself into, but now I think ill actually learn a lot in the class. Since I really have NO experience whatsoever about sonnets, it could turn out to be really interesting. At least im trying to think positively. Anwyays we just had to write an essay about the relationship between the conciets and metaphors in this sonnet that we picked out, out of a bagillion sonnets. I think I actually understood it finally, and i ended up really liking the sonnet. I am going to post the sonnets that I understand or like or think i do at least, here for you all to enjoy as well. ok im off to do more homework! :) Casey "That self-same tongue which first did thee entreat" By: George Gascoigne That self-same tongue which first did thee entreat To link they liking with my lucky love, That trusty tongue must now these words repeat, I love the still, my fancy cannot move. That dreadless heart which durst attempt the thought To win thy will with mine for to consent, Maintains that vow which love in me first wrought, I love thee still, and never shall repent. That happy hand which hardly did touch Thy tender body to my deep delight, Shall serve with sword to prove my passion such As loves thee still, much more than it can write Thus love I still with tongue, hand heart and all, And when I change, let vengeance on me fall.
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to be back

Dancy is such a cute word. hehe So I am back to DU! I love it here, I feel so much more at home here than I really do at home anymore. Here there is always someone who wants to talk or hang out or do something. At home I felt like I was pulling teeth to get people to see me. As it was I think only 3 or 4 people actually came to say goodbye to me. But thats fine. I knew distance would change things with my friendships. Makes the ones that are really important stand out, and make me see that those are the ones that I will be keeping. Overall, i really enjoyed my break. As I said I met a completely amazing guy and had a great winter break fling. I did not in the end feel like I should keep the relationship going since it would have to be longdistance becuase my feelings had turned into more friendship than anything else, and as much as I tried I couldn't turn them back. The heart wants what it wants and you have no control over it. I hate ending relationships, it really hurts whatever side you are on. That was hte big highlight of my break, since every day would be different and exciting, until things werent and then they ended. So now im back, and Im loving it. I am going up to Breckenridge tonight to go skiing tomorrow, which should be so much fun, however much I am nervous about it. Its been about a year since I last went skiing since I didnt manage it last year, so Im a little nervous. With thoughts of "what if it doesnt come back?" Or "what if Im just holding up everyone else??" or many other crazy thoughts. Being back in school has also been interesting. All of my teachers this quarter are guys, which i thought was interesting. Never happend before so I look forward to seeing how that pans out. Doing homework is never fun, but its good to have something else to have to think about or become busy with. Im going to be in the best shape ever, since ill be skiing so much and then working out during the week, im already really sore! Ok, well i think i need to go get stuff in teh car for skiing!! Enjoy your breaks while they last! Even 6 weeks wasn't long enough! Casey
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So I have been home for about 3 weeks now and decided I needed to get away haha, and so now I am in Cali! Ok, thats not really true... but it could be! I was always planning on going to Cali over break to see my family, but then my grandfather needed me to basically babysit my grandmother while he went out of town for 3 days, so I went over earlier. Its been nice, I've done really absolutely nothing for the past 3 days, except walks on the beach and read my book and think =). Which I know is hard to believe but I have enjoyed myself immensely! Its amazing, I guess I really needed to recharge my batteries and have been able to do that here. I got sick right before coming so I've also by not doing anything gotten to get better a lot quicker than I would usually. Tonight I am going to a boat parade, where I guess people put lights on their boats and we watch them... should be interesting to say the least because I will only know my grandparents... hmm we will see! Tomorrow my cousin comes home from college and I get to hang out with her! The rest of my family comes tomorrow as well, adn then more family keeps coming saturday. Sunday I go shopping with my grandparents as a christmas tradition with my cousins, monday we are celebrating christmas I guess as a group, and tuesday ill be home! We are leaving at 5 in the morning! Ah! Thats too early! but oh well! I will deal wtih it, i have 5-6 hours to sleep in the car! :) Um... news while ive been home..... I found myself a guy! haha :) Met him through my friend, its his roommate. He is really really nice and just like amazing. We have so many similarities and he treats me like I have always wanted to be treated. So I am enjoying that relationship. But other than that, I haven't been doing much because everyone has been in school! But that will have changed when I come home again, so that will be nice! Then its christmas!!!! yay! Im so excited! I love christmas. Then new years, finally get a kiss at midnight! haha :) And then I am back at DU! It will go by so quickly! But I am super excited. So much to do when I get back, still need some presents... hmm... oh well I will figure it out! Hope all your holidays go well and enjoy your breaks! smiles
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I come HOME!

I am sooooo excited!! I get to come home in 3 days!!! :) On wednesday, I get to lay on MY bed, and see my CAT! Im soo excited. Im also excited because Im going on a date on wednesday night! Super excited!! Ok, well I have 4 finals to get through before i can come home, so i better get back to studying! Hope to see you while im home for 6 weeks!! Good luck with your finals, and happy thanksgiving!!
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Hello all! Does ANYONE from AZ know how GREAT it is to see RED trees!!! I mean come one! RED TREES!!! And golden colored ones! I've never ever seen them!! Seasons rock!!! :) Can anyone tell Im really happy at this moment??? I dont really know why, but I am, i have a whole bunch of crap over the next week to do but I dont really care about doing it! I mean Ive done everything thats due for tomorrow, come on do you know me at all? hehe :) School: going well, nothings wrong, classes are most of the time boring, or tedious, but I think I am doing fairly well in them! :) Always a good thing. Boys: Nonexistent. Enough said. Boys = stupid, immature, and blind. Friends: SUPER AWESOME (My new favorite phrase thanks to my HRTM teacher)!! Omg! These people are like the most amazing ever! Its like a little family here. I really don't know what i am going to do not seeing these people for 6 weeks!! Yes people, I am goign to be home for 6 weeks. From thanksgiving to just after new years. So i will see all you AZ people lots and lots!!! Its soooo soon! I can't believe it, time is just flying by and i cant seem to catch up, not to mention just hang on. Life: Next week we go to Vail and get to stay in this resort and see all these other hotels for free!! It will soooo cool!! The rooming situation will be interesting, but ya, thats for another day. Um... it snowed last monday!! That was sooooo cool!!! I havnt seen snow fall in forever! It was sooooo amazing! Freezing, but a really good experience. Im going to freeze to death btw, ive decided that a arizona girl really has no chance in the snow. But shes willing to try!! :) I htink i can beat the odds! :) What else... I dont know! Hockey is so exciting to watch! I miss watching saguaro football, but you know thats ok, hockey is really cool too, especially since I never have before. I think i have rambled enough. Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! :) Casey
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Its been a little while since I updated, especially since I said I would update more! But you know there was either to much to say, nothing to say, or no time to say it in. Basically I love college. The initial thrill of being by myself and everything has worn off, but I still love being here. Homework and classes are boring but what did I expect?? I have been able to handle everything with ease so thats good. I get stressed sometimes when I try to get everything done really quickly, but it always manages to get done in time. I have met a lot of people now. Some that I like and some that i dont like as much. Pretty much everyone is friendly, I just havnt bonded with as many people as I guess I would have liked to. I do however like a guy, but there are too many complications or issues to deal with that it just won't end up working out :( which is very sadenning becuase other than that like one issue we get along so well, and hes a really great guy who i love being around becuase he brings out this side in me that I love. But its not meant to be i guess, adn theres no use crying over spilled milk, so now im in the process of moving on and looking for someone new to obsess over lol :) But ya, I went to a party on thursday, which was a very interesting experience. I need to go to those things with people who like them. I think I would have more fun. Everyone there seemed to really enjoy themselves though, and I would have had a better time if I hadn't had so many issues with it. So I will try again! :) Yesturday, Caitlin and I went downtown. It was such an experience!! We were sooo proud of ourselves! Becuase you have to go on like busses and the light rail and all this stuff to get down there, and if you know me I get lost and confused very easily and have no clue about directions! So I was proud that we accomplished that! :) I got my ski pass yesturday as well, so now i can go skiing all I want as long as I find a way up to the mountain.... but I am SOOO excited!! Last night i had a girly night where one of my friends did my nails and then we just hung out in her dorm wtih her friends and stuff, and it was so much fun. Something i totally needed. So that was great! :) Ok well, my shows are about to start better go get comfy!! :) Hope everything is well for everyone else out there, and that someone found this interesting. Casey
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About 20 days

So I have about 20 days until I leave for DU. That is WAY more than everyone else, and I am just about to die from all this time on my hands! I want to just get there, and start doing stuff! I hate the fact that everyone is going to start having all these experiences and I will have to say, "oh that sounds cool..... ill tell what I think when it happens!" Although at the same time, I dont feel like doing school work yet, so Im happy about that. I dont know i feel very mixed about it all. Im sooo excited and yet I get all sad when everyone says that they are so sad that Im leaving, adn they cant believe I am. I cleaned out my whole room and bathroom. It looks empty. Its like I dont even live in it anymore. It looks awesome! But at the same time its really sad because thats like another door im closing on my as im starting to call it my AZ life. Becuase i really dont think i will ever really live here full time again. Watch ill end up here and raise a family, but I just really dont see myself doing that. Im always going to be coming back and stuff, becuase all my family lives here and I do love it here, AZ made me into the person i needed to be, with so many memories I could never just leave and never look back. Im thinking I might live here while I have my plans of traveling hte world wtih my job, and just have a little apartment or something since then I would be around family. I dont know. Things are so crazy right now. My cousin comes tomorrow and we move her into her dorm room at ASU, im sooo scared and excited for her. Shes leaving her boyfriend though and Im not sure how she is going to handle that. Im worried for my friends here, that I wont be able to be there for them as much as I am now, which im sure will happen and is understandable. But im so scared that we will just all change and not get along or something. thats about all im worried about. Im sooooo unbelievably excited to go to DU. I can totally imagine myself there. I fell in LOVE with Denver and Cherry Creek, i just can't wait to get there and be there, adn meet all new people! I am soooo ready for a change. Hopefully I wont be writing how wrong I am about all this, but I really dont htink that I will. Ive always been able to be comfortable and confident enough with myself to adapt to just about every situation and I always as sad as this sounds, thrive when im alone. I dont know what it is, im the happiest when im on my own and my own terms. I feel so free adn like I can handle anything. I really like my roommate which is such a relief. I think we will get along really well. Best friends, I dont know, but close ones im sure of. We seem to be so much alike, which i hope doesnt back fire.... So many changes in such a little amount of time. And so why am wishing it would just all hurry up and get here? Probably becuase im dreading saying good bye to everyone. Ive become so close to people I never even really knew were there in high school over the summer. I am going to miss them all so much, but they give me the hope that i will be fine and that i will be able to meet new people easily! 20 days shouldnt seem long, but it seems like forever. Im running out of things that need to be done. then im just going to be sitting at home, doing nothing and going out of mind! I dont handle time on my hands well, at all! I get to bored!! Its a real problem. Sometimes i get really scared that I wont be able to say good bye to everyone. I know over the next 20 days im goign to cry a lot. but thats me for you Miss Emotional! I wish everyone the very best with their new paths and adventures. I know everyone will go so far. I hope to see you in the future. On a side note, Lake Tahoe was so fun, I had such a relaxing time and really enjoyed spending time with my cousin Kristin. Shes the absolute best person in my life. Shes been there for me in ways no one else could ever understand and has been around since birth so she understands. The stuff she deals with amazes me and only makes me respect her more. Good luck, have fun, and always remember to smile on your new paths to everyone!!! Casey
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If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that's not meant to be. Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, Why would he treat you any differently? Always have your own set of friends separate from his. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later. You cannot change a man's behavior. Change comes from within. Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are... even if he has more education or in a better job. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less. Never let a man define who you are. Never borrow someone else's man. If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. All men are NOT dogs. You should not be the one doing all the bending... compromise is two way street. You need time to heal between relationships... there is nothing cute about baggage... deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you... a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals... look for someone complimentary... not supplementary. Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right. Make him miss you sometimes... when a man always know where you are, and your always readily available to him he takes it for granted. Never move into his mother's house. Never co-sign for a man. Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others
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I can say I am in LOVE! Only not with one specific person, but with a college! I love DU. It is so much fun, everyone seems so happy and friendly, and I have already met so many people and they are all so nice. My dorm room is on the smallish side but its not bad at all. I really like it, I got it all set up really nicely. The only problem is we have these huge windows going basically to the roof (since im on the 3rd floor) and from the dorm and just the walkway lights its really light in our room when we are trying to sleep. But i am working on fixing that. Um... whatelse! My roommate is soooo nice, I really like her and we get along really well. I have been super busy with all this orientation stuff. Everyone that told me it was boring, was right, it is sooooooo boring! But oh well, im meeting a lot of nice people through it. Yesturday i said goodbye to my mom and aunt, which was sad, and I do miss everyone that i left behind, but I am just so happy here that i dont really let it occupy much of my time. I hope everyone else is enjoying themselves. I will update more often im sure. Casey
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Today 10 years ago, my dad died. Strange how fast time has gone and yet can spin me back to that time like its been 3 minutes. He was an amazing person, friend, brother, son, husband, and father. I hope everyone has someone who can affect and change someones life just by knowing the other person. I try to be that to someone everyday to follow in his footsteps and to never regret anything. Remember August 23rd, for a great man.
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what happend?

what happend to all my friends?? I didnt do anything and they are GONE! How sad..... Comment PLEASE so I can find you again! Hmmm that is distressing! casey
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bronzed, blonde, and beautiful

i love that word audacious, i dont know why but i just do! Ok so this is take 2 on this entry. It probably wont be as good as take 1 but what can you do, i am now frustrated that it didnt save. Anyways, i am now officially 18!! yay!! Is anyone else getting scared about that fact? I am!! I came to a realization that i am no longer surrounded by the safe and normal anymore, in normal life, and in the social (guy) scene. thats scary! Im sure i will be able to do it, every girl though be careful! Guys can be really creepy and scary if you arnt, so beware, we have left the safe and dependable! or at least the scared to do anything about those hormones. Um, about the title, its refering to my state after my vacations!! If i really am beautiful thats under debate, but I am really tan and really blonde now, thanks to the sun!the vacations were sooo awesome! First off, i got surprised by a trip to New York to celebrate my birthday!! Im retarted enough said... anyways, it was soo great! I love new york!!! Went to the statue of liberty which had such long lines of security! I recomend just walking around the outside, pretty much the same without the 2 hours of security! Then we went down to the beach, where i got soooo tan!! I had enough family time to last me a lifetime, 19 people in one house at one time is WAY to many!! But it was ok, i dealt with it. Then i was home for basically a blink, and hten i was off again for hawaii! :) It was soo much fun, quick recap, snorkeled (such pretty fish), traveled the island (gorgeous), swam with manta rays (i got really freaked out!), kayaked, luau, fished, and a sunset cruise! Really busy, but really fun!! :) My body is so off, it has no idea when do to be tired and when to be hungry! Its ok though, ill get through it. On a more personal note, I now have a roommate, and a room!!! I was so excited! My roommate seems nice from what i have been able to talk to her. Um and I got my laptop finally! yay for me! I was very happy about it. Anways, i think thats it. If you want to do somehting beofre friday, when i leave again (for the last time before i go to denver!), give me a call! Im free!! the jetsetter
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I'm Off!

Hello all! I hope you all are enjoying your summers. Its already moving so fast! I can't really believe it. Well tomorrow I will be embarking on my next vacation! To Bethany Beach Delaware, where i will rough it out at my aunts out who lives RIGHT ON THE BEACH!! It will be so awesome. Im super excited and finally have everything all ready to go after stressing a bit... Anyways the next time you talk to me I will have joined the adult crowd and be 18!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!! Birthday is on wednesday the 29th and im soooo excited! I opened all my presents on Saturday and got such cute stuff! Aren't presents hte best?? Oh and to the few that said you would call for my birthday remmber the 3 hour time difference!! Im later than you, so take that into account if you could. I hope you all have a great 4th of july and enjoy the fireworks!! I will be seeing them from the beach! Although I will be worrying over my hummidty crazed hair, and the mosquitoes..... oh well hopefully i wont get eaten alive too bad. Ok, well Im done with the rambling now. Have a great 2 weeks and I will hopefully update after that! The Jetsetter
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Almost 18!!

I hope your summers are going well. Well, I am now into the second week of my time in arizona. As my mom likes to tell me quite frequently i should have gotten a job. lol But i still dont think anyone would hire me for basically 5 weeks spread across the summer, that just doesnt happen! But anyways, its needless to say that I have begun to get a tad bit bored. But its not all bad, ive been having fun to, Im just the kind of person that enjoys doing stuff. So nothing is really new becuase of that. Went ice skating last night, other than the fact that my achilles are hurting like crazy it was so much fun! :) what else is going on... Im running out of money!! hehe but im babysitting tonight and a few times next week so that should even things out, so no worries! Ok well i thought i would just drop a note saying what ive been up to, if you want to hang out soon give me a call you can tell i wont be doing anything that I cant work around! :) Oh! And my birthday is officially 10 days away i guess if you dont count today so maybe its 11... either way its soon!!! yay!!! Casey
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I hope everyone is enjoying their summer vacations!! This is like the best summer and really only summer that no one has to worry about anything, becuase you cant really being working or doing something for college becuase you havnt started that yet, adn highschool is OVER! So ive been pretty bored and boring over the past week or so. Family finally left which was really fun while they were around. Then I started trying to figure out what the heck i was going to do wtih my time! Not much to do, finished a book, been swimming lots... hmm not much else. Then i started telling people i was bored, adn suddenly they all wanted to do stuff! So that took up at least half of my days. Which I was happy about. I love the friends that i still communicate with, and honestly i dont really miss the people i dont talk to anymore since graduation, nor do I think i will feel any sadness for them for not seeing them next year... isnt that kinda sad? Its actaully more freeing hten anything. But anyways, so I feel that tomorrow is my real start to my summer. I went to sedona last weekend and that was fun but i was only gone a day so it really wasnt like a vacation. So tomorrow i go to California. I go to Remona and hten onto san diego for one night. Should be lots of fun adn i get to get out of the heat! yay! :) Then I come home and im here for like 2 weeks, adn hten i leave for Maryland/Deleware to go to the beach and visit family. Then im home for 3 days and im off again to Hawaii, then im home for like 5 or 6 days and im off to Lake tahoe, and then im home for like 3 weeks and then i go to DENVER! yay!! Im getting so excited!! Yesturday i went shopping with my mom and we got sheets and a mattress pad and i was like "mom we really need to leave beucase things are starting to call to me that i need to have" it was funny, but it made me sooo excited!! I also registered for my first class next year! I was so proud of myself! I get to know my dorm and roommate later in july so stay tuned for that news, lol i know you all care so much! Ok well i think i have rambled long enough. Hope you guys have a great week and ill see you next week! the jetsetter AKA Casey
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Today is graduation day!!!! We are finally graduating!! 12 long years gone by and now we can celebrate for doing it all!! We did it!!! I am sooo excited!!! Im so ready for the next stage in my life and am so proud of all of my friends for graduating as well. We did it! So lets go celebrate like theres no tomorrow!!! See you at 7 tonight! Congratulations class of 2005!!!
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senior days

I hope everyone had fun at prom! I know I did, i know everyone looked amazing, handsome and gorgeous!! I loved seeing everyone at prom all dolled up! You were all soooo pretty!! :) Anyways, ntohing much is new. I think all of the seniors will agree that school really has NO point whatsoever and seems utterly pointless. We have a week nad like half now left, I think thats crazy!! I can't wait to graduate, but i know im going to be sooo sad, beucase i know im like never going to see these people again. And im going to be out of my comfort zone yet again. Im super excited for a new change and chapter in my life though, i wish everyone the very best in their futures. Good luck seniors keeping focused i know im going to need all the luck i can get! Senior breakfast thursday and senior ditch day friday! yay!!! Have fun all! Casey
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