I'M COLD. 8-(

Feeling: frozen
I don't like the cold, no I don't. x_X I'm freezing my tail off over here. (I don't like the warm weather, either. So I'm screwed over royally. Stupid nature.) I honestly both SHOULD be in bed and WANT to be in bed, but I'm waiting for a CD to burn. T_T So I have to sit here and freeze. -shivers-
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Typing for the Fun of It.

Feeling: emotionless
I've just now noticed that I only write here when I'm angry, depressed, or bitchy. Wonder if that happens to anyone else. Either way, every time I plan on writing here, I calm down by the time I'm at a computer. That's the reasion for the spread out, infrequent entries. But it's not like anyone actually reads my shit. x) Meh. Like the title says; typing for the fun of it. There's no point to this entry at all. And if you read it..I just stole a minute of your life. Maybe I'll add a real entry later. Maybe.
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Feeling: masochistic
I have a party to go to in a few hours..the birthday of an old childhood buddy that I haven't seen in six months. So..that's a good thing. She and I had a really good roleplay last night, too. We're going to continue it later. I wore/am wearing my favorite outfit, just to make a good new first impression..black top with purple sparkles, black jeans, and my pointed-toe boots. ^o^ And I have a cute white and green outfit packed for the morrow. Conserning the boots, I had to go through hell just to get to wear them. Becuase my mother says that wearing boots isn't "normal." She was about to, actually..she cut herself off after norm-. I guess she realised how much of a load of crap that was. Now, what's this normal anyways? What is so special about being a clone of everyone else? Some people want to be theirselves, and if it makes 'em not fit in the little box socity has made..wewt for them! I guess I should explain the title now? I went to McDonalds yesterday. McDonalds rocks..but I couldn't get a cheeseburger becuase it would "take too long" to get one they way I like it. I suggesting getting a happy meal, since their burgers are plain, and adding cheese at home, earning me a nice death glare from my dad, who got me everything but the Happy Meal. Maybe I should just not talk. >_0 I ended up getting fries and McNuggets. With ketchup and sweet and sour sauce. As soon as we were home, I decided to try the sause..and the s&ss tasted a bit odd..like there was iron in it. I didn't taste it again for a while, and it still had a sour, iron taste. Next, the ketchup..it was kinda fluid-ish, and blood red. When I ate it..it tasted just like blood. McDonalds is run by vampires. And we all know it. I'm redesigning my characters still, but this time it's a total revamp from the drawing board, for T'ylr and Wafaye. The former becuase I never developed him enough, and the consept of a anthopomorphic vampire bali tiger is..farfetched. The latter becuase I like to draw my characters, and I couldn't draw an avian to save my life. Never have been able to..beaks bug me. ._. Crimsoneyed out! Ps: This song rawks my sawks in the bawks. Pps: I'm changing my diary layout. I like this one, but..I'm a bit tired of it. Ppps: And I'm going to get to rewriting my bio. It took me long enough. Pppps: Done!
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Maniacally Yours, Crim.

Listening to: Sonique - Alive
Feeling: devilish
Turns out nothing happened today. *pokes new comment pic* I made that when I was playing around with PSP9 (I just got it!) I made a guild called Maniacally Yours ( ..::Maniacally+Yours::.. to be official.) just to make layouts and logos and st00f. And I loved this one, so..I'll keep it. *nodnod* As you can see, I'm still in my pink phase.
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Extreme Makeover - Raccoon Style!

Feeling: random
Another mood that I know the meaning of and you don't. HAH! Today was fine. Not too horrible, but nothing to be too happy about. In school, we had chapel today. Whoopee. Don't get me wrong, I have no real qams against it, it's just that..once we arrive at school, we pray. Than we pray again, and have worship class. We hae more classes, than pray, and go to lunch. We come back, pray AGAIN, and than go to another class. After that class, we pray (big suprise!) than have Bible class. Finally, before we go home, we pray. That's enough God! And once a week, we add one more religon class! And. I'm. Tired. Of. Jesus. He's EVERYWHERE! The universe doesn't revolve around him.. Oh wait. They think it does. Sillee Crim. So, anyways, after Chapel, we ran laps for ten minutes. Bah. I'd like to see the teacher run for that long, the fatass. (..nothing wrong with being overweight. Not saying there is. hell, I'm chubbeh!) Next recess, when I rested. More classes..to lunch. I ate alone again. More classes, more classes..day ended. ..ya'll still awake? ..thought so. *wakes the reader up* I'm working on sheets with my characters on them, each with only one, showing them from the front and back, as well as with and without clothes (..they're Sonic style furries. So I'm not a sicko. There's nothing there. >_>) with different emotions, and and from different persepectives. I got the idea yesterday when I was messing around with my ideas, trying to make Mannequin not look like the easter enchidna. It kinda worked. ._. Anyhoo, today..I did Harlequin. And I think I made a lot of progress today from it, in a whole lot of ways.. I practiced around with fur effects (since Harlequin's so fl00fy) and really got my paws around how to change how her fur falls to add even more expression to her. When she's sad, it droops like it's wet. When she's angry, it stands on end. When she's just stands there, it..just stands there. ^^;; And I was able to give the Harlster a more realistic, rounded out look. Realistic, becuase..her last shirt design was spiffified, but when I drew her in different angles, I realised how horribly unrealistic it was, and redesigned it so it's humanly (furrily?) possible. Basically, the top part wraps around now, and the bottom shows her back. The sleeves aren't attached anymore, and the ring is held on by the top. And..her whole design is more thought out now. Rounded-out becuase before, when I drew her, she'd always look either uber-cute and too young, or horribly ugly. I've settled with a design that's cyoot without being obnoxious. And figured out how to make it work. :3 [/the most pointless, boring entry EVAR] DisorderRatingParanoid Disorder:HighSchizoid Disorder:HighSchizotypal Disorder:Very HighAntisocial Disorder:ModerateBorderline Disorder:LowHistrionic Disorder:LowNarcissistic Disorder:ModerateAvoidant Disorder:HighDependent Disorder:LowObsessive-Compulsive Disorder:Moderate-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! ---- Personality Disorders --
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*foxie growl*

Listening to: nothing (For once)
Feeling: enraged
Yeah, no entry in a while. What can I say; I had nothing to write about. And I wouldn't be writing today either, no. But you see, going outside to scream into a pillow so I won't bother anyone is rediclous, you see. So says my genius mother. Don't you just want to glomp her? Yeah, she sure is smart. Maybe if I inherited that, I can get a job at fucking McDonalds. Wouldn't that be TEH PWNAGE? I hear ya'll complain. "Holy dead monkies, Crim! What are you bitching about today?" I'll tell you what I'm bitching about, becuase this is the only way to channel my anger that isn't ZoMg ReDiCiOuZzZ!!!111 First off, I had a good day. An awesome day. An uber-spiffified day with hot sauce on it. I went to some Youth convention, and when I'm in a motherload crowd like that, I tend to get this "zin" stuff going. Like I'm..there. That made up for every single damned thing in it being around Jesus. I'm tired of Jesus. I go to a Christian school, so my education consists of three helpings of Jesus a day. Than I go to Church twice a week, to get even more of Jesus! And it gets old. But..no. That doesn't bother me that much. What pissed me off was I came home..(I was gone for eight hours or so at this thing,) guess who decided to rearrange my room? That's right: my mom did it AGAIN. Fawking FDJFJDKFH! She moved everything! Threw all my sketches that I work very hard on in a box randomly, (wrincling and thus ruining them all,) put my money in a drawer, moved my mirror to where I can't see myself, made it take effort to have to get to the gamecube, took the dogglefox door hanger off my door, moved my tables, put my chest in the fucking closet with the broken door, and other things! Pifft. I can hear everyone now. "Gee whilikers Crim! That sure is trvial!" And you know what? I don't give two shits how trivial it seems to you, okay?!? I have asked her specifically and very nicely MANY times to leave my room the fuck alone. I don't recall saying, "Hey mom! I'm going off for a while, so why don't you just kill my layout and ruin years worth of artwork! ^_^" No. That never happened. Ever. It takes a lot to get me mad. I'm easygoing. I'm a goddamned doormat. But when I say the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, and it's not something outlandish, I expect you to respect my wishes! I'm a good furson! I don't hurt anyone, I don't ask much! And all I wanted was for her to let MY living space be..so she goes and messes it up?!? I.Feel.Like.Screaming. ..and I'm gonna' change my diary layout. This one is stupid ugly. |Edit|Layout changed. I went from that horrible blue and more blue to black and pink. Yes, I now have a part-black layout like the other 90 percent of sitdiary users. ..and I've calmed down a bit. Note "a bit." I'm still cheezed, and still want to sink my claws into something.|/edit|
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Listening to: Goldfrapp - Utopia
Feeling: horrible
That isn't a retorical question. I really want to know. Maybe I should explain. You see, I have to go to play woth my chimes group in the morrow. No problem. But my mom insists on making it one. First of all, we're supposed to wear black pants. She insists it's skirts. I let go, but THAN she decided on pants. After thirthy minutes of that mess, she aksked a lot of really just..stupid questions. And was really crabby about it. Than if we have to have our shirts tucked in, I said no, and she snapped, asking if I had anote from the teacher saying that, I didn't, but she kept getting more and more angry, and said I do have one, and I'm just not giving it to her. *hackcough* So, the title. HOW do I give somthing I clearly don't have? I still have the symptoms of my old sickness: Pounding, Modem-noise headache, dizyness, tiredness, loss of awareness, incredible memory lapses, and the like. All this malarkey isn't at all helping. And I'm going to be honest. I'm scared. I mean, I always have gotten like this when exposed to sunlight, but it was never so severe: just little headaches, mild drowsyness, slowess..and now it's all coming down at once, hard, and no matter where I am. If I had a choice to die now, I would. I know it seems corny. I know it probiably makes me look like another angisty teen. But this is unbearable. There's like..three people that truly want me around, and my body aches as well as my mind. No real entry; my day was boring. Ps: My shoulder started acting up again. -.-
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March 18, 2005

Listening to: Goldfrapp - Slippage
Feeling: feisty
This entry is detacated to horrible titles. And horrible spellers who are too lazy to look up the correct spelling of detacated. I changed the layout: from foggy black with sharp red, to..white. And grey. This is *the* least dark of out the colour shemes I've used. (..unless you count that bright orange one with red text and yellow links..) I'll be editing it on-and-off for a while. I'm trying to put together a background with the same texture/colour as the header. So It'll look carved. ^^ Today is my birthday. I still had to go to school (DAMN IT!) but I can't complain. It wasn't so bad, except for all the attention. I ate insane amounts of candy..and thew up. Not that it matters. My dad has been taping his stuff to the wall for a while. It's starting to unnerve me, buecuase I can't look up with seeing all it..another thing that doesn't matter. I've been looking for a nother roleplay site. Just to kill time. The only problem is...all the ones that are at least a bit interesting are full of people who seem to tYpPpP wI7 dE3r tUuUnG!!!111!!!11ONEONEONE or people who are advanced roleplayers: excelent, *talented* writers that are way out of my leauge and won't even give me the time of day. So..I'm screwed. I've mastered third-grade grammar, sure. But I can't write as beautifully (or horribly) as all these people. I'm smack in the middle, and that makes me the minority. Incidently, I found this little google ad during the search: And THAT, my friends, is why I don't like eBay. ...holiee..I managed to go a whole entry without using an anime smiley. w00t! ^_^ ..oh wait. CRAP!
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Three Days Untill It Ends.

Feeling: optimistic
Huh. That really bloody thing I wrote for the Civil War project? The one I was complaining about a few days back (since it's so..crappy?) Yeah. About That. Apparently, it's good. I guess I was wrong. I'll put it up on here tomorrow and see if I can get a fifth or sixth opinion about it. But, anyways, we had to critique each other..and..everyone else had problems in theirs. The only thing I got was that it was too graphic. The rest was..compliments. Just a small gripe, but..why isn't w00tness on the Current Mood dropdown? They don't have that or Spifftacular..! Whatever. A new Sonic game is to be introduced in May. HUZZAH!! Three Sonic games to come out this year so far...can I get a w00t?! ^_^ This is my idea of luck, here! My birthday is in three days. I should be happy about it, but I'm not. You see..this next age? It's going to be...you know..the end of my childhood. I won't be a kid anymore. I won't have an excuse to act like a jackass. It's accually kind of depressing.
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Flying on Wet Wings..

Listening to: 2 - Hunting
Feeling: copacetic
Hah! I know what cocapetic means, and YOU don't. ..most likely. And I'm not telling the meaning, either. I'm not a dictionary. But if someone *does* know the meaning, I'd be impressed with you. =^.^= Anyways, trying to find information on if ripped wings would hinder a dragon's flight, I found this interesting tidbit: Wet bats are incapible of flight. So..in Sonic Adventure 2, how could Rouge fly right after getting out of the water? 0_o Huzzah! Another thing to add to my "Big Book 'O Mobian Plotholes!" But, that being said..anyone out there know if an animal with rips in the their wing's membrane would be fly as well as one with flawless wings? It would be really nice to know... Really, really nice. I got to stay home today..becuase I'm really sick. My forehead is almost covered in fire. And I suck at analogies. ..I also suck at spelling analogies. I bet I got it wrong. It just doesn't look correct. So, anyways, I spent half the day sleeping, the other half playing video games. Taking a look at that Kizarah sprite I was making, I might have to restart it becuase the way she's posed, her wings would take weeks to shade. GAH. Why did I give her wings five times her size, again? ._.
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No One Ever Listens To Me!

Feeling: sinful
No entry in a while, I know. Don't like it, than bite me! The only reasion I write in this thing is to express myself, not to entertain whoever you are. Anyways... - I've been sick for a few days. My mom didn't beleve that I was and made me go to school..BUT..it keeps getting worse. I'm in hell right now. All this and a twisted foot. - I've got the hang of playing N64 with a keyboard. It still doesn't feel quite right, but... - I had to write a story about a character in the Civil War in school. I have writer's block..again..so the only idea I could think of was killing offf my character. I did so, but the story was crap. The plot is almost non-existant: He's in the war, kills someone, and while looking for another foe (can't quite spell the other word,) he gets shot and dies of bloodloss very quickly. The end. There's a half page maximum, though, so..it did what it needed to. The writing itself was pretty bad.. - Speaking of writing, I might try to write a book again. This time, centering around Xeahawk. And, since no body knows who she is, I'll explain: Xeahawk is a white wolf with various pastel markings, and when she runs, the yellow muzzle, and rainbow on the side of her fur makes her look almost like a very big hawk. ..yeah. I've never used her in a roleplay before, so..this is a good use for the hawk. - I'll write more later, I guess.
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Feck off, Crows!

Feeling: bloated
Heh. Yes, I have been playing Conker's Bad Fur Day. Thus the title. Haven't gotten very far, becuase I'm using a rom. And..I'd like to see how well *you* play a 3D game with a keyboard. It. Just. Doesn't. Work. Same applies for..Banjo-Kazooie, and Banjo-Tooie. As for the rest of my N64 roms that I've tried..they happen to not work correctly. Just...fucking wonderful. I wanna play Yoshi's Story, dammit! I wanna save the Super Happy Tree from Baby Bowser by eating fruit and singing songs! ._. ..really. That's the ENITRE plot of the game..but it does kill some time, so what's the harm, ne? But...anyhoo. I should just get a new emulator, I suppose. Gameboy ones go fine, though..though I'm getting sick of Rouge's story in Sonic Battle. KO her five times? Without getting KOed once? *coughcoughHUMANLYIMPOSSIBLEendcoughcough* No real entry, becuase all day, and all day for the past two days, have been devoted to good Video-gamey goodness. Back to me game now. Ciao!
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Rock It One More Time!

Feeling: psychotic
..becuase lyrical titles are fun. And I still wish "Spifftacular" was on the current mood dropdown. Or at least "Teh W00tness." SPRING BREAK!! YEAHHOOOO! And you know how I'm gonna party? Well? I'm... ..not going to. Oh the FUN. But staying at home is fun enough for me. ^^ I'm almost done with Moribund Aurora too. So..that's a good thing.
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What Are Teacher Workdays For?

Feeling: excellent
I am worth $1,560,014.00 on HumanForSale.com Hoo boy, I haven't written in a while.. Been busy. ..kinda. ..not really. I had to record the song I'm listening to myself..becuase, apparently, a .ram file is not a proper .ram file. My computer's such a genius. >_> And that screwed up the sound quality..(sounds like she's singing in a cave!) Ever tried to make a good music file with Windows Sound Recorder? It's impossible..to get even half-decent sound I have to turn the speakers all the way up while it records. That explains why my eardrums feel like they've been shot by a sniper rifle. No school Monday or Tuesday. Monday is President's Day, (Gee. I thought every day was the president's day..) and Tuesday is a Teacher Workday. ..If they need an extra day to work, what are they doing every o ther day? Filing their nails? 0.o But a day off is a day off. So I'm happeh. ^^ Very happeh. I uploaded a whole lotta sprites to my SA gallery, and deleted my old roleplaying forum..made another afterwards, caled Moribund Aurora. ..still working on it, though. Sequels Rant by 2..this is pretty funny. And true.
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Hairgel Antics of the Queen of Games

Listening to: Sonique - Alive
Feeling: amused
Now I'm alive.. Touch me, need me show me the meaning. I'm alive.. Closer deeper, burning fever. I'm alive.. Now I'm believing: I'm complete, so complete, I'm alive. I love that chorus. Just do. Anyhow, just got back from a sleepover. 'Twas so fun, there's an unemployed barrel of monkeys somewhere. Yeah. Anyone know that new M&Ms commercial where that woman is singing about each color and when she gets to orange, she can't find a line? I had said after that commercial aired that morgage rhymed with orange. So someone else started singing: "Orange..you pay the morgage!" and a whole little song about orange paying the morgage. It was soo funny! This week at school is "Fun Week." Bah. It sounded better when they called it "Spirit Week." Kind of like that daycare called Prodigy that got renamed "The Sunshine House." Ugh. Tuesday is Hair, Hat, and Shades day. So..I have bottles of red, gold, and black hair gel..and I'm going to do my hair like Yuugi Mutou! XD In case you've been under a rock for the past few years..this is what his hair looks like: XD Again. ...does that make me the queen of games?
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Artist Gripes

Listening to: 2 - Technology Rant
Feeling: stubborn
This is starting to get on my last nerve! Okay, I signed up with sheezyart. To show off my sprites. (No scanner, wot.) And you can say that spriting isn't art, but I'd like to see you do it better! It *is* an art form so shut your mouth! And if you can do better than this with a Sonic sprite and Ms Paint: Than you can complain. But if not..just shut it. But that's not the gripe. What's getting on my nerves is.. I've been browsing sheezyart. Just to look at the creations of my artist peers. I can manipulate pixels, so I am officially part of this big happy family, and I want to see what my family can do, okay? Now, I look..and over and over I see.. Generator pictures! The results of dollmakers! And other things that the "artist" didn't make. No, they clicked the mouse button and this thing came up, so they said "OmG!!!!11!!!!11 M3 mAd A p!C!!!!111 !'M sUuUuU tAlLuN73D!!!11 What in the world is that? You didn't make it, all you did was drag a shirt onto a base. Oh fucking wow. Aren't you just a damned fountian of talent? The zin of hard work just oozes out of that little five minute generator picture. Please, for the love of sweet pie, if you didn't make somthing..don't fucking act like you did! My god, this is worse than bakc on Neopets where people would put a red line on a picture of their neopet and act like they're a genius artist! BAH!
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Fire Drills in the Rain..

Feeling: aggravated
We had a fire drill today. In the rain. And that's stupid. They can choose when to have these things, right? Than for the love of yiffing, do it when it's not below freezing and wet! >_> Arggg! Not to mencion, it 'twas the middle of bathroom break. So a lot of my classmates were in the middle of taking a crap and had to just..stop. Who in hell makes up this logic?!? Anyways..I had to go to church today. Annoying becuase..we're supposed to keep the Sabbath. No where in the bible does it say "Thou shalt take a four hour drive to readeth the bible and if thou dost not and thou does it at home, thou shalt go to Hell!" I don't even believe in Jesus anyways. ._. ..not that this matters, but.. Get it right, people. This is starting to get on my nerves: It's not Pokemon, or Poke'mon, or Pok'emon, or Pokeman, or Pockymon. It's Pokèmon. So THERE. An if you're too lazy to put an accent over your e, than..call it pocket monsters or somthing! Sheeesssh!
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Bad things always happen to me..

Listening to: Goldfrapp - Slippage
Feeling: idiotic
It was a nice, sunny day. The birds were chriping, children were playing..and my iPod randomly broke. I don't mean freeze, or lose power, no. It just decided to stop functoning. Won't charge, turn on, reset, connect to the computer..nothing. And that's a problem becuase I couldn't afford it in the first place. Argg. I tried everything on five diffrent trobleshooting sites. No dice. I tried order a repair at Apple's website, and, apparently, the serial code is invalid. So I'm screwed. Hell will freeze over before I get four-hundred dollars to pay for another. >_> I'm still sick too. I have two parties to go to: a sleepover, and a skating party. Meh. Never been much for the whole social thing. But I'm going..my mom's halfway forcing me. I'm sure I'll have an okay time though. I tried to write some stuff...couldn't. I'm guessing that me not roleplaying in a good few months has a lot to do with that. Not that I ever was good at it, no. It's just that, now, I'm even worse. ..I drew a pretty nice picture of Dagger though. ^_^
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