
Feeling: antsy
I haven't posted any journal entries in awhile. I haven't even posted in my LJ or checked my friends list. I was away for awhile and I agreed to a procedure the head doctor wanted to try and it fucked me up..I'm on all these meds that make me to scared and nervouse to even answer the phone, let alone talk on it. Everything went all upside down on my again and I didn't even realize it was happening. I'm a royal bitch to get along with but I still won't stand up for myself. Some things never change. OH! I'm going to quit smoking...I really hope I can, mind over matter right? I haven't written anything in over two months, no poems, no short stories, no little blurbs, nothing and that upsets me greatly but I can't force it. Anyway I thought what Xander had posted on her journal was aborable so I did one myself so many thanks to her. I also did the quiz that Seth did..I took another quiz just like it and got "The Real Folk Blues" I think anyway the ECT fucked my memory up hardcore but yeah anyway.... what's your cowboy bebop theme song?
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Listening to: The Dresden Dolls
Feeling: ambivalent
8:15 pm and I don't currently know what to do with myself. I know I need to crank out the last section of something I am currently writing for one of my LJ groups. I also have to start writing my wife (one of the most amazing and strongest people I've ever met) her birthday letter and go threw some books to find nice passages to quote for her. But I end up just sitting around like now and thinking about things I need to do, things I want to do, and end up doing nothing. Had the time to finally watch all the videos the Dolls have on their webpage. They are a really fucking amazing duo, Brian the drummer just kicks ass and Amanda the brillant songwriter/pianist is a foxfire of a woman. Their music has served lately as somewhat of a muse, boosting my own creative force and causing my mind to swirl with ideas for this and that and this and that. Constantine the movie was kickass, really want to see Million Dollar Baby now. So yeah that is enough babble from me. Time to do something other then just think about doing something.
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Listening to: The Dresden Dolls
Feeling: baffled
I also have a livejournal, user name navolla, should anyone care to check that one out as well. I haven't posted anything in this journal in ages, and every entry I had I deleted for specific reasons. I have found alot of webpages that involves writing and improving my skill which I tend to work my ass of on. I don't really care if people like what I write or not, I am not anywhere near where I would like to be, but one day I will. I adore writing, and I am going to bust my ass on it everyday from now on, even if I just crank out a few lines of a story, or for rp, or on a poem. My Great Grandmother is suffering from dementia, she is deep into her eighties I believe but she doesn't look it. So my Mother and I have been dealing with that and having a 13 year old running around the house. It is funny to watch Kaylee because we are exact opposites when it comes to certain areas of personality. This was just a random entry really, as I just wanted to start writing in this journal again.
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