Listening to: Cold-Crossfade
Feeling: torn
Not much has happened today. Woke up and I did nothing. I pretty much just sat around all day with my sister and Brooke and waited to go to work. I worked from 4-7 and it went by really fast. Much better than working my usual hours. I had to stay 10 minutes later than I should have though because Matt was late!! Fucking retard. Anywho, I haven't talked to Krysten at all today and I miss her. I wish she would get on AOL so I could talk to her. But if she doesn't get on I'll just call her after 9. Hmm... 2 days until rockfest! It's going to be kick ass. I feel sorry to all of you who aren't going. Well I'm gonna go Tanner Krysten I love you!!
Read 9 comments

Heeeeeeey babe. Yeah i missed ya today too. I hate not having service out at Randy's. It sucks nads. Cause yeah. By the time I get home you're already at work... and.. stuff. lol yeah anywho.. i love ya! xOxOxOx

..who cares if purple is good or not! :-)
hey bitch
I am going to the nitty gritty dirt band concert on saturday, i feel sorry for you because you have to listen to people screaming all night. People with freaky colored hair and piercings in personal places. Yes. You are jealous of me because I am going to the nitty gritty dirt band concert, you don't have to tell me twice.

tanner- you freaking rock.

haha have fun at rockfest!...maybe you should bring me somethin back!
awesome diary.
Heck yes, you hung out with me.
You liked it. Shit, Nigga!:-P lol.

Have fun at work Tanner Bananer,
HEY TANNER!! This is Tara.....Lovin the diary! I'm so happy for you and krysten!! You rock!

hey Tanner you fag..its me MExican
