
(1) What is your name? Sean Healey (2) Are you happy with it? yup (3) Are you named after anyone? nope (4) Your nicknames: seany boy, (5) Your screen name: elvenpipedream86 (6) Would you name a child of yours after you? no (7) Then what would you name your children? sky, pete, jessica, kate (8) If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would you have been called? rebecca (9) If you could switch names with a friend, blaze (10) Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do with your name? sena ; you just have to reverse the a + the n (11)Would you keep your last name if you became famous? sure (12) Your gender- male (13) Straight/gay/bi?- straight 14) Single? very (15) do you want to be? half and half (16) Your birth date: January 25, 1992 (17) Your age: 13 (18) Age you act: i dunno (19) Age you wish you were: 16-21 (20) Your height: 5’4 (21) The colour of your eyes: icy blue (22) Happy with it? HECK YES! 23) The color of your hair: blonde-ish brown (24) Happy with it? yes, nice and curly (25) Left/right/ambidextrous? righty (26) your living arangements?mom dad doggy named hunter, and somtimes usually at matt's houose though (27) Your family: see above plus aunts uncles cousins and great great great great poeples (28) Have any pets? a doggy named hunter (29) What's your job? nuthin yet 30) Piercing? ear (left) (31) Tattoos? none yet (32) Obsessions? music, drumming, shoes, and mushrooms. anything mushrooms. (33) Addictions? coffee 34) Do you collect anything? stuff to do with mushrooms (35) Do you speak another language? alternate languages are for (36) Have a favorite quote? "A druling Saint Bernard." [adult swim] (37) Do you have a web page? yea but it sucks the cock...but my sitdiary is awesome! (38) Do you live in the moment? sure (39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? most of the time (40) Do you have any secrets? mm hmm (41) Do you hate yourself? no! (42) Do you like your handwriting? fuck no (43) Do you have any bad habits? cracking my knuckles (44) What is the compliment you get most from people? my curly hair or my blue eyes 45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? you dont know sean healey?..your sick! (46) What's your biggest fear? spiders (47) Can you sing? no. 48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? are you kidding? i am the meaning of cool (49) Are you a loner? no (50) What are your no. 1 priorities in life? jesus fam nd friends, be in a band (51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? yeahhh (52) Are you a daredevil? sometimes (53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? eh, i dunno... (54) Are you passive or aggressive? both at the SAME TIME (55) Have you got a journal? yes (56) What is your greatest strength and weakness? sense of humor; strength, food; weakness. (57) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? i donno (60) Do you think you are emotionally strong? not really (61) Is there anything you regret doing? yup (62) Do you think life has been good so far? very good (63) What is an important lesson you've learned from life? dont be afraid of mythical creatures (64) What do you like the most about your body? my eyes (65) and the least? the area between my neck and my (67) Are you confident? eh i guess so. (68) What is the fictional character you most like? napoleon dynamite (69) Do people know how you feel? possibly, but i definetly do express myself (70) Are you perceived wrongly? sometimes DO YOU? (71) Smoke? no (72) Do drugs? no (73) Read the newspaper? ocassionally (74) Pray? yes (75) Go to church? yup (76) Talk to strangers who instant message you? yea...they usually turn out to be friends with new screen names (77) Sleep with a stuffed animal? not recently (78) Take walks in the rain? good idea, but youll get all wet (79) Talk to people even though you hate them? yea...sometimes..when im trying to make them angry. (80) Drive? frickin 13 (81) Like to drive fast? hell yea..if i culd drive (82) Like your voice? eh, sure. (83) Hurt yourself? no HAVE YOU EVER? (84) Been out of the country? yea but i dont remember where i went (85) Eaten something that made other people sick? i dont think so (84) Had sex? no (87) Been unfaithful? kinda not really (88) think you’ve been in love? no. (89) Done drugs? no (90) Gone skinny dipping? um no. (91) Had a medical emergency? never one that i had to go to the hospital for (92) Had a surgery? nope (93) Ran away from home? not yet (95) Gotten beaten up? what the flip do you think?!? of course not!! (96) Beaten someone up? yessssss (98) Been on stage: yes (99) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath? um (100) Slept outdoors? camping (101) Thought about suicide? yea (102) Pulled an all-nighter? yes (103) If yes, what is your record? i didnt count. (104) Gone one day without food? what are you sick? (105) Talked on the phone all night? mayyyyyyyybe (106) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex? yea but i was like 10...cmon folks (107) Slept all day? yes (108) Killed someone? no (109) Made out with a stranger? no (110) Had sex with a stranger? no (111) You're going crazy? possibly (112) Kissed the same sex? no (113) Done anything sexual with the same sex? no (114) Been betrayed? i think so (115) Had a dream that came true? not yet (116) Broken the law? sure (117) Met a famous person? i dont really know (118) Killed an animal by accident? no (119) On purpose? no (120) Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? unfortunately (121) Stolen anything? yea one time at a firework store with matt (122) Been on radio/TV? yes (123) Been in a mosh-pit? hell yea...that was fun (124) Had a nervous breakdown? no? (125) Bungee jumped? nope (126) Had a dream that kept coming back? yea...what a horrible nightmare! CLOTHES and other fashion... stuff (127) Shoe brand? ocnverse, dc, globe, vans, starter (when i was little),etnies (128) Brand of clothing? all the weird brands they sell at hot topic (129) Cologne/perfume? cant find one that's not curve and smells good (130) What are you normally wearing to school/work? clothes (131) How about parties? sexier (132) Wear hats? sometimes (134) Wear makeup? no im a fucking MALE! (135) Favorite place to shop? hot topic and spencers (136) Favorite article of clothing? hoodie + pants (137) Are you trendy? i bet (138) Would you rather wear a uniform to school? hell no! I would be... If I were a month I would be... january If I were a day of the week I would be... saturday If I were a time of day I would be... 5000! p.m. If I were a planet I would be...saturn If I were a direction I would be.... north If I were a historical figure I would be... myself If i were a liquid I would be.... milk...whoa that sounds kinda wrong. I were a tree I would be... either redwood or oak. If I were a flower/plant i would be... tulip If I were a kind of weather I would be...cloudy with a chance of meatballs! If I were a musical instrument i would be... a drumset If I were an animal I would be... snuffiluffigus! If I were a colour I would be... black and white at the same time (checkered) If I were a fruit I would be... a pineapple If I were a sound I would be... the sound that plays when you get an important thinkg in zelda...dum dumm dumm duummmmmmm!!!! doo dum dittly dummm... If I were an element I would be.... plasma If I were a song I would be... buddy holly by weezer If I were a book I would be... the hobbit If I were a food I would be... ice cream If I were a place I would be... home If I were a scent I would be... axe: essence If I were a word I would be... corrupt If I were an object I would be... a rupee If I were a body part I would be... ummmm...i dunno If I were a facial expression I would be...a smile! If I were a cartoon character I would be... GIR from invader zim
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