·In the rain·

Two days ago, i just kept walking to the window... wanting it to rain so bad. I dont know what it is about the rain, but i love being in it. Finally it started, so i went outside. It wasnt raining all that much, and i kept wishing it would start pouring.. n then finally it did. I loved it.. i just love the feeling, i wus just getting soaked, and i didnt care. It started to hail tho.. and it kindah hurt, cus i wus wearing a tank top.. an i got all these red marks on me.. but i didnt care.. i just kept walking, and getting soaked. I just thought about evrything, and it all seemed way clearer. Finally tho.. it hurt way to much the hail wus almost the size of a golf ball.. so i walked inside one of those bus stop things... and someone gave me a ride home. I loved it. Then the next day, i went to the stampede with maria. I love being with her, i just remember old times.. and forget about evrything else thats going on. God, i miss her. It wus fun tho.. i met tuns of people, lol she has so many new friends.. lol.. but theres this one guy, almeer, haha odd name.. but i talked 2 him for like 5 minutes, lol and he wus super nice.. pretty good looking too lol. i lvoe meeting new people. And mervin, lol hes really funny. Julian, tnx for helping me with the ride lol.. haha im sry, i wus scared.. but ur really awsome.. the fireworks were soo awsome too. Anonymous- I'm not even sure if u read these things.. but im gonna say it anyways. I didnt mean to hurt u, make u mad, or anything like that. I didnt mean to make u think that i didnt care. I do.. really. Just sometimes, i get so worked up with everything, and i dont know what to do. I know its not fair, and im gonna try... im sorry Anyways.. I havent noticed it, but i wus worrying soo badly, about another person, and someone... and today, i read something about that person do something with someone else, and wow.. it clicked in. God, im doing the exact same thing. I know this person never meant to make me like... ughh, i guess its jealous.. yepp. i am. wow, god lol. i dont want to be at all.. and i thought that lately i havent been getting jealous over this person.. but really, i have. Just, things were kindah getting better with us. I mean, i dont know.. liek were together more, an sometimes i still feel like things are wierd.. but idunno. Im not intentionally trying to hurt, or make things difficult with anyone else.. i just understand how there feeling. Maybe not on the same level, but god.. i wish theyd just tell me.. there sucha awsome person, really... and i have more of an idea what there talking about.. as soon as they mentioned that one name. Thats all ice gotta say right now tho.. Xo Chels oX
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is this person me?..
i think thats teh boldest thing i've done all week.. lol
haha i just started dying when you said you were walking through the hail and it kinda hurt...i always wish it didnt rain...it rains here just about everyday, like today it was so sunny and barely any clouds yet it was pouring
where do you live???? i wanna move there haha