[ 09 ]

Listening to: mockingbird -eminem
Feeling: lustful
FOUR-LEAFED CLOVER Leaping leprechauns! You've got the luck o' the Irish! Your love life is like a Riverdance. No, we don't mean cheesy and gross with mullets galore -- we mean things have an uncanny way of falling into line. Now's the perfect time to run out and meet the love of your life. And hey! On your way, pick me up a couple of lottery tickets, wouldya? heh aww i feel lucky! Wanna a second kiss? Maybe it’s sheer instinct, or maybe it’s all that practicing you did on your little sister’s Elmo doll, but whatever it is, you really know your moves! Remind us to invite you to our next spin-the-bottle party -- we’ll all be hoping it lands on you. Devoted Dater You're committed to commitment and a one-guy gal (or one-gal guy. Or, you know, whichever combination of "guy" and "gal" fits best). So your significant other screws up occasionally? So what? Everyone messes things up from time to time, and you're not gonna let a little something like inviting friends along on a date -- be it physically or by phone -- deter you from your pursuit of your one true love. Granted, you could put your foot down a little more often, but hey, if it's working for you, who is anyone else to judge, right? are you misrable or happy? Emotionally: What, you worry? Chill, my anxious friend -- you're doing swell! You're feeling that most of your emotional needs are being handled just fine. Whatever rough spots you come across are usually minor differences that all couples experience. Most people would kill, or at least steal hubcaps, for your level of emotional contentment. Whatever you're doing to keep the communication lines as open as they are now, keep doing it. You lucky stiff. Physically: Jeez - get a room, willya? You're getting the place all muggy. I don't know what you two are doing, but obviously it's something that makes you both happy. Very happy. Downright giddy, in fact. You have very few hang-ups about this particular field of expression. At this point the only thing you have to worry about is getting a call from your neighbors about keeping the noise down. Interests: You and your partner have a healthy respect for each other's interests and thoughts. Even when your pursuits diverge from one another's, it doesn't seem to make you all ape-crazy. If anything's wrong, it might be that you two are so secure in giving each other enough space that you might be unconsciously dividing your interests. A strong independent will is important for everyone, but if you or your partner plan on a future, make sure your independence doesn't devolve into isolation. But to be honest, it looks good as is. Conflicts: You apparently have no problems whatsoever, and you're close to totally happy. Well, all right, you're probably not 100% happy, but you're pretty thrilled nonetheless. You have a good attitude towards your partner in the area of conflict resolution. You don't seem to take too much personally, you don't cower and hide when trouble comes up between you two, and you work diligently to reach an end that pleases all parties involved.
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im excited for st.patricks dayy
cool :)