umm frickin tired

Listening to: none
Feeling: torn
omg im sooo tired i woke up at 630 for some reason and i couldnt get bac to sleep so i came out here in the livin room where the comp is lol!!!its been an hr and feels like i just got on here like 10 min ago but yea lol!!well i finalli talked to this guy like 2 dayz ago cuz he hasnt been on in forever!!but yea he prolli wont b on again till sat yea hes weird lol not realli but yea!!!oh and i finalli figured out how to frickin straightin my hair like good straight lol im happy!!but yea i cant wait for this weekend cuz bailies comin over sat well were goin to the state fair yayyy and then shes stayin over till mon.!!!!!yayy i havnt seen her forever!!!lol and finalli we gte to do somthin without bein at camp lol!!haha n mayb sun were gonna go see a movie with my ex(great lol) and jakeypoo lol (thats for u bailie haha) but yea then mon me and my friend mona might go to the switchfoot concert at the state fair i just needa get the money lol and make sure she can go cuz i can lol!!but yea itll be greattt!!oh dang tomorrow is the stupid skool open house thing shit i forgot about that i dont wanna do that lol but yea then next tues we start skool!!!!nooo!!lol but yea idk sry i just ramble on bout the stupidest stuff lol!!but yea leave some comments!!!ttylaterz!!
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hey girlie!!! um... jake's going up north so scratch that out! we can still go to the movies though!!! lol!! hehe anywayz... CAN'T wait!!! lol love yas byebye ~Bailie~