Not Too Bad.

Well the day so far is not too bad. Everything has just been going good today, except for a headache. I always feel like such of a complainer sometimes. There is always something that bothers me, or bugs me, or drives me insane. But today there isn't much which is quite alright. I used to be such a happy person and always so positave. But lately it just seems like negativity is always coming my way. Idk maybe it's just that time of my life or somethiing like that. But I dont really like it whatever it is... I have so much fun usually at work, I almost think it's the season for crabbyness with people and rudeness. Wheither it's me that's crabby or the people around me. But on the brighter side it's Wednesday and things don't seem too bad at all today. It's just a happy day. Which is sooooo nice! I don't exactly have anythin to talk about today. Im just hoping things go well and life and things start to look up. Im trying to keep myself on the brihter side as much as possible... But i just feel so bitchy all the time.. Idk what it is.. I think im going to look for some codes and what not to change my layout. That's always the fun part of creating a new Sitdiary. I love sitdiary.. I hope they stay around FOREVER! Well it's my lunch time and Im not feeling anything to eat at the moment.. So I think i'll just bum around for an hour and look for layout stuff... Oh yeah and I'll be 18 in 17days! Wooo WHOO! I feel like time is going by so fast already... Ever since Graduation.... And today is Mr. Preston's 18th Bday!!! SO HAPPY BIRTHdAY KUZZO! LUV Ya!
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