Listening to: My Chemical Romance
Feeling: confused
Hey. LeeAnn is here right now. We aren't doing much. She stayed the night last night. we went to the Ritter game, and ate SOO MUCH FOOD! lol. i was not hungry for the rest of the night. BUT, of course, LeeAnn was. lol. well i don't really know what else to say. so i'm done here. later--Laura
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Hey! well today was GREAT!! my boyfriend gave me a hug, and it was soo GREAT!! and well today was his last day of school, though. but it's all good, cuz I will get to see him over the summer! AND, Sunday me and him went to the movies and we had the best time! doesn't my sitdiary look pretty now? LeeAnn did it! lol. thank you LeeAnn! you need to call me some times chica! well anyways, i think i am going to go, i gota go to my boyfriend's graduation tonite, so i gota get all pretty! lol. later--Laura
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Listening to: music videos
Feeling: adventurous
hey. nothing much going on here. bored. well I went to the movies today with my rents and my brother. my sister is in Madison with her Big, from her college. i don't know how to spell the other word. the thing she's in. lol. sorry. well me and my boyfriend are doing GREAT! i love him soo much. well im out. later--Laura
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hey. well today is going great so far. me and my boyfriend are GREAT! we stayed on the phone last night till 430 in the morning, and yea, it was greatness. We were talking about EVERYTHING! but it was great. well i don't really have much else to say. SOMEONE IS REALLY PISSING ME OFF AND THEY NEED TO STOP AND SMELL THE FLOWERS SO THEY DO NOT GET TO FULL OF THEMSELVES! geez
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today is good. me and my boyfriend are doing good. not a thing is wrong now. we are great. which is great. now i am just waiting for him to get online so that we can talk. last night me and him went to the movies and WE HAD THE BEST TIME EVER AND IT WAS SOO FUCKING GREAT!! well i think im done here. so i will write later. later--Laura
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i hate how he makes me have tears in my eyes, and i can not do a damn thing about it. it really sucks. he makes me cry and cry and cry, and i hate it soo fucking much. its all my fault, too.
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Hey. Well not to much going on right now, I'm really bored. BUT, I'm talking to my boyfriend, but he's kinda busy right now talking to someone else, so blah. I don't know, I guess I get kinda jealous of that sometimes, but oh well. I will be okay, I shouldn't get jealous, I don't get that jealous anyway. Just a little. Well anyways, today I was supposed to go and play tennis, but I didn't get to cuz I couldn't find my racket, which sucks. But it's all good, I think I am going to go buy a new racket sometime soon, hopefully. This weekend I am going to be gone all weekend, which sucks cuz I am not going to have phone access or computer access. Oh well, I will be okay, hopefully. Well I am going to go now cuz I don't have anything else to write. So later--Laura
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Listening to: The Used
Feeling: placid
hey. well today sucked. cuz we had I-Step all day. and now I have a headache because I am really tired and hungry. I just got off the phone with my boyfriend. He got kind of mad because I had to go, but my mom had to order the pizza and me and him weren't talking that much. i don't really think he is mad. anyways, well after I got finished testing and stuff I read this really good book, it's called "Teen Idol"--Meg Cabot. great book right there. I want to find out what happens, so I will find out tomorrow, cuz I didn't bring the book home. well I am out. I think I mite write more later. so later-- *~_Laura_~*
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Listening to: Taking Back Sunday
Feeling: alright
Hey. Today at school was good, well most of it. My boyfriend left early. AND he's not really talking to me right now, so it's makes me a little upset, but I have the hardest time being mad at him. So yep. Tomorrow is Thursday and we don't have school on Friday, which is cool, I guess, and no school on Monday. That's good. But anyways, tomorrow is Catie's birthday thing with her mom, and I'm going, so that should be fun. Then on Friday is Catie's birthday party. So that should be fun, too. Today was Catie's birthday, that was cool. She is 15. Wow, i'm not close to that, but kinda. Well nevermind. I'm going now. so Later--Laura
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Listening to: 311
Feeling: excellent
hey. well today was GREAT! my boyfriend looked great, and yea, it was great. well nothing is happening right now. well later--Laura
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well today was pretty good. better than most days. my diary is ugly cuz i don't know how to fix it. well i'm talking to a.j. right now. so i'm having lotz of fun. later--Laura
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