::October 29::

Feeling: goofy
I was hopin that one day we would finally become cool. And now that its happened its incredable. Tonight I was kinda mad cause I didnt have anything to do. lol. I was bored. cranky. But then paul im'ed me and told me to come over. So I did. We went for a walk, cause his legs were sore and he needed to strech them out. so I was so ok! Then we went to JJ's house and was chillin there watch ROBOTS!!! hehe the best movie ever! LoL I hurt paul so bad.. it was fun as hell! lol. Wuvers you Paully Wally :) ! Then.... I came home and came on the computer and the best thing happened to me. I cant tell you what happened but just know that I am so happy. I love it! Tomorrow my mom and I are going to AmberRose' 1st birthday party. I think it will be fun. I havent seen Mandy in a while and I see thats shes doing a lot better, so thats good. Well Im off to sleep. GoodNight!
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