....Goddess help me ....

Feeling: angsty
I'm at my friends, and shes forcing me to listen to GC's first album. GOD HELP ME! Well Theres been alot thats happend... most having to do with Matt, and Seth, and misinterpreted love. Well... Yeah. I was talking to Seth onw night, and we were talking about matt and me. Well, I had said that if he didnt really want to be with me, that I didnt want to be in a relationship that was meaningless. I come to find out that Matt just had said he wanted to be with me to keep me "safe" from every guy that could possibly hurt me. Whatever. Thats what Seth said. So give or take 2 days later Matt signed on, and, I had asked. Now, Matt said that its absolutley nothing like what he said ... and its more confusing for me .... God, I hate everything having to do with love and shit. I cant take much more of it. And THEN last night Seth was all freaking depressed, and when he and I were talking, he said it was because "its" words were getting to him. I dont know why ... but I guess I'll never know. I seriously dont care, but hey. Okay, well I'm done ranting. I havent had anything intresting happen to me. And I dont think I will, but yeah ...
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GC's first album? oooh nasty x_x;;