Cause there's nothing else to do, Every me and every you

Listening to: Original Sin - INXS
Feeling: bleh
Argh. I dont think theres going to be any dinner tonight, I think I accidentally did my belt up 4 notches instead of 3, my mother is playing rather homosexual Mobi music, of which the bass is cutting through my music on the computer, and my girlfriend feels sick because I said I didnt like her reading my journal but I didnt mind my best friend doing so. My girlfriend hates the fact my best friend is a girl, yet takes pride in the fact she has a male best friend. My mother wont let me watch C4, instead she is making me watch William & Mary. I havent talked to Emma in, if she does not come online tonight, 2 days. I havent done an entry in about 2 weeks; any kind of friends I may have harboured on here probably hate me by now. My Uncle keeps texting me, telling me Im a retard for ignoring his text messages, but he doesnt seem to see the blantant explanation "I HAVE NO FUCKEN MONEY ON MY PHONE". My brother wont pay me back my $15. My girlfriend cant pay me back my $7. My girlfriends Dad cant pay me back my $9. And because of the previous three sentences, I cant pay back Rohan, Tom and Ben... total debt: $18.60. I seriously think my girlfriend is crazy. I think my mother is crazy. I wish my brother didnt laugh like a fucken Hyena. Now I feel really fucken hungry, now I really wish someone would make dinner. I cant cook a full dinner, I'd end up burning down the house. I need to learn how to cook a full dinner. I need to learn study habits. I wish I didnt have some crappy fanscination with riding the Orbiter while listening to funky rock music. I wish it was a 36 hour day, that way I could get enough room in to see my girlfriend, see my friends, do a bit of my own thing, and then sleep for 10 hours. I wish this entry didnt sound so.... bitchy. Man. I need to get a grip. =P And I shall throw my dignity, or at least whats left of it, to the wind and beg you for hits: Click there. Then, just because you guys are soooo awesome, you'll give me some quotes to stick on there. I shall catch you all later. 'All' makes me feel good; like people actually read this piece of shit journal. xD Adios.
Read 17 comments
Oh, by the way, it's -my- layout. xD

Did I mention how awesome it is? =P

i know you haven't commented but i'm bored and i'm commenting to everyone on my friends list. how are things going with you? good i hope. yea thats all
- erica
Brendon, I wish you didn't point that out. =P I feel silly now since thats just what I usually say if people go on about something.

Just, meh. xD
hey feel better, damnit! jk. be more sensitive to your girl friend. wouldn't you be pissed if it were the other way around??
err..ok. i guess i did kinda overreact to those comments..its just that i cant stand anonymous commentors accusing me of things i dont even know
i found your entry quite humorous.. is that a bad thing? i also like your diarys name.
lots of love from marlene
au revoir
i thought i commented by apparently not. wtf why do you get so many comments and i get NONE. :( makes me sad.
lol anyway yea i actually READ the entire thing. sucks about dinner and about your friends paying you back. ok im positive i commented here cuz i remember saying how pretty your gf was...or maybe i'm just on crack...gah whatever.
i dont know you that well
Man. That's a harsh day!
oh you poor poor man.
It's kinda funny, I have never once ridden the orbiter. lots of other redbus thingies, but never that big green bus. i've always kind of wanted to, but never had a need.
Ello. Jus' wondered how you were doin'!!

See you soon *jiggle*
hey brendon
im coming over to cook you some real dinnner
what do you want?
ill be there soon! :)

your quotes page is awesome
i dont have many quotes but ill send a few to you

love hannah
Ah, thank you. Finally someone who feel sorry for me. I'm so sick of hearing it.

Damn you. lol
I guess you're having problems with your girlfriend. Must suck not being able to cook. I bet your dead sexy. Its proven that guys who can't cook are either retarded or hot. ;)
That sucks that no one will cook you dinner! I beg my mom to, and she spoils me so she does. yeah. I think we're all crazy, you know, in our own way. I know what it feels like to have no money on your phone.. yeah. it sucks!
And about the comment you left me, at least something stuck. Not like you read the whole thing and forgot what it was all about before you could even click the commenting link. It was nice, i thank you.


i'd like that...

you'd get the best of both worlds.

ahaha, ok now i sound perverted.