
Feeling: active
owell school was shit and ive got a personal study test to do 1st thing tomorow then at 10.30 my CITB testso its all good. its fuckin cold today tho started snowing cant be fuked wi that. i like summer its best where u can just wear t-shirt nd ripped jeans lol. I'm listening to Ian Brown he is a fuckin legend would be him anyday. Meeting karin on sat cant fuckin wait lol ill make an arse of masel or sumit go overboard lol but we'll see nd ill try no 2. I rlly like her shes funny great 2 tok 2 nd gorgeous hope that we get 2geva it gonna be good if we do like luv ya all bob xxxx
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aww thank you babe!but how can you not like snow?!?!?! its the best! and im gonna be the one making a fool out of myself because i always do, so dont worry about it :D
only 3 and a half days to go :D
Kx x x