i took a survey

130 Things People Want To Know About You
.: The Basics :.
Name?:laura m.
Location?:cary north carolina
Hair color?:dirty blond
Eye color?:green
shoe size?:6
height?:5 footish
interests::so many i cant count
.: Favourites :.
drink:hmmmm.... i am not sure
music style:pop
music artist/band:green day, kelly clarkson
tv show:american idol and so many others i cant count
movie:harry potter
thing to do:drawing, shopping, digging for fossils
ice cream:rassberry chocolate chunk
song:hmmm... i don't know
book:there are so many good books i cant decide maybe tamora peirce
computer game:rollarcoaster tycoon
board game:monoply
dessert:ice cream
quote:homework is a crime and must be stopped!
animal:dragon, gryphons
.: Friendship :.:
who's your best friend?:charlotte in australia here not sure
other close buddies...?:too many to count
last friend you hung out with:steph, katrina,
last friend you hugged:ummm.....
last friend you saw a movie with:alex (from girlscouts)
last friend's house you went to:hmmm...
any friends you cant stand?:nope
any friends you've regretted becoming friends with?:ummm not sure
if so, who?:
do you have a lot of friends of the opposite sex?:not really
most annoying friend?:
most preppy friend?:hannah
darkest friend?:stephanie of course
hyper-est friend?:carrie
nicest friend?:they are all nice
funniest friend?:?
meanest friend?:why would i be friends with them
most outgoing friend?:?
shyest friend?:Rhiannon
hottest friend?:?
friend with the best personality?:katrina
friend with the best music taste?:?
friend who sings the best?:?
friend who laughs the most?:?
friend you enjoy being around the most?:too many to count
friend who your parents love?:?
friend who your parents hate?:?
friend your parents don't know about?:?
.: Romance :.
got a crush/boyfriend?:nope
if so, what gender?:
how far have you gone?:
with who?:
the last person you kissed::....
the last person you hugged::taylor
the last person you wanted to kiss::ummm....
how far you do want to go (at this point in life)?:
hottest friend?:
hottest celebrity?:
if you could date any famous person, who would it be?:
dream date::to the beach!
dream honeymoon::back to new zealand or australia and enjoy beautiful sites there
age you want to get married (if not already):not sure
number of kids you want to have (if not already):3
would you rather your boyfriend/girlfriend be gay or bi?:umm...
.: This or That :.
Kerry or Bush:kerry
rap or rock:rock
pop or country:pop
movie or tv show:movie
girl or guy:girl
fire or water:fire (burn baby burn)
death or life:life
cheerleader or punk:ummm
prep or jock:ummm
kroger or publix:kroger
walmart or target:walmart
avril or jay-z:avril
pink or black:black
cheez it or cheese nip:cheez it
cat or dog:dogs rule
tape or glue:tape
msn or aim:...
mall or movies:can't decide
writing or typing:typing
phone or computer:computer
baseball or football:baseball
p.e. or health:?
high school or middle school:?
dunkin donuts or starbucks:dunkin donuts
amc or united artists:?
walgreens or CVS:CVS
brownies or cookies:brownies :)
reading or writing:reading
surveys or polls:polls
livejournal or xanga:?
Yellowcard or Ashlee Simpson:i don't care
AFI or Jojo:jojo
Green Day or Beastie Boys:Green Day
kill or be killed:umm...
eat or be eaten:eat
hate or be hated:hate
ocean or pool:pool
singing or dancing:can't decide
heart or peace sign:heart
halloween or christmas:x-mas all the way
question or answer:answer
fear factor or the o.c.:fear factor
the simpsons or who's line is it anyway?:the simpsons
Disney or The N:disney
pancakes or waffles:pancakes
strawberrys or blueberrys:strawberrys
yogurt or frozen yogurt:frozen yogurt
kiss or hug:hug
guitar or drums:guitar
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yeah please read previos post
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nice pony??!!