{10.} What is this? Back for more?

Hmm... now what ever could I do with an old/new diary such as this? Seeing as I've stopped the whole "wannabe Harry Potter everything" page, I'd like to get use out of this somehow. I could always use it as my actual journal. I could write about everything in here and forget about my other one. No, no... I've had the other one too long. Not much longer than this one, though. I could always use it as a page for everyone to sign. No, no... can't take my chances with that one. You never know who you can trust to a point. I don't know what it is. I guess I just get all giddy when I write somewhere other than my own page. But this is also my own page. Well, I haven't written a lot here for a while. Ah, well... I guess I could just make this a "HOW MUCH DO YOU JUST LUUUUVE HARRY POTTER? MORE THAN I DO? WELL, LET'S JUST SEE ABOUT THAT. I'LL BET YOU FIVE DOLLARS I LOVE IT MORE. OH, REALLY? WELL, IT'S ON, SUCKER" page. Sure. So, if you love Harry Potter, comment one, comment all, people! Well, at least the ones who haven't already transferred over to myspace.com and are posing half-naked like my own peers. In conclusion to a wonderfully well-written entry, I bid you good night, and may Harry Potter be with you. Seacrest Dupi out.
Read 5 comments
I LOVE Harry Potter!

Haha, Dupi out...haha
harry potter fucking rox
dupi, haha, thats what im calling you from now on.
well fo course i love harry potter.. who dosn't?!? ^_^
I've only just started reading the books. I am dissapointed, because i wish i hadn't seen the movies first. Kinda takes the thrill out. Otherwise, it is a lovely series.